I think I''m just stupid, but I don''t know how the get infos about my mousebuttons without the windowsmessageloop (HATE IT)
so my question is, is there a function like GetAsyncKeyState() for the Mousebuttons?!
we wanna play, not watch the pictures
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
youre right!!! thanks a lot, really (i know doing it with dinput and with the WM_SHITMESSAGES, but I just dont wanted to, because asynckeystate is so easy)
the VK for the left button is VK_LBUTTON, for the right one VK_RBUTTON and the same way, the middle one VK_MBUTTON
we wanna play, not watch the pictures
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia