The idea of ESP is a good one, but I don't think such an ability could be effectively implemented. For one thing, it is effectively useless in multiplayer. In singleplayer, it is useful against scripted opponents, but how about those that are acting on a goals-based system? In addition to not being able to gain information for this ability to be useful, finding a good way to display it could possibly be problematic.
'Super' strength and speed are already allowed for with my attributes system, although to have the maximum possible values, players will have to have lower than average abilities in another area.
Originally posted by Myra Mains
Danger sense - uses flashing arrows on the screen that tell the player where danger is.
This one has some potential, but it's uses are quite limited compared to some of the other abilities. How about 'clairvoyance.' This would give the player an indication of approaching enemies, tell them what direction shots where coming from, and could potentially warn them about traps.
I don't like the idea of flashing arrows on the screen, as I feel it would break immersion too much. Instead, 'ghost' images could be rendered visible only to the player with the ability. If they are approaching a trap, a ghost explosion goes off in front of them, warning them of a landmine. Direction of shots would have to simply be a flashing at one edge of the screen.
The approach of characters could be given by using AI to estimate a probable path for other characters, and then rendering a ghost of them. The innacuracy that would be involved could be explained by the instability of the future - any slight change could alter the occurence of whatever the player has seen.
I also like the Mimic idea.
I shall also add in based on your ideas 'Electromancy,' and 'Chrono-alteration.' Chrono-alteration would allow the player to either slow those around them, or to increase thier own speed. (The difference in these being that slowing down time around you would also effect bullets, explosions, etc, possibly providing different advantages to increasing your own speed).