Original post by Nathaniel Hammen
The mathematical formula was only for a test to see whether my GP worked, and could evolve the answer. After I work out all of the kinks, I'm going to run my GP on a little battle arena type thing...
Original post by Nathaniel Hammen
Tree Selection
I have a struct called ReproductionRate that I plug numbers into at the beginning of running the program. This decides how many trees will be copied, how many will be crossed over, and how many will be mutated. The ToCopy amount of trees that had the best fitness score are copied to the next generation. To select the tree that will be mutated, I pick a ToMutat number of trees randomly from all of the trees except for the ToCopy amount of trees that had the lowest fitness score. For crossing over, I use each of the best ToCross amount of trees exactly once, and select which ones are to be crossed over with which ones randomly.
Can you give these numbers in terms relative to the population size? For instance, these values are often expressed as percentages; that is, on average, X% of the total population is mutated each generation, or Y% are candidates for crossover. Expressing them this way may help tell whether they may be too high or too low.
Original post by Nathaniel Hammen
Node Selection
For both Cross Over and Mutation, I select which node to use the operation on completely randomly. I plan to change this in the future, because there are obviously more nodes near the bottom of the tree, which makes the likelyhood of a specific node being selected increases as the depth increases. This makes it so that alot of times, the node selected is on the bottom row, or just above that, which means that only three or so nodes are being crossed over or mutated.
Regarding mutation, keep in mind that it generally best serves its purpose when it has small, incremental effects. (Note "generally" - this isn't always the case) So it may not be bad thing that it tends to choose nodes with relatively few children. Changing these nodes will have fairly small effects, while changing nodes higher up in the tree will have broader effects.
On the other hand, you may or may not want the same result with crossover. While I'm not convinced that your current method is better or worse, one alternative could be to choose a level in the tree each with equal probability, then choose a node from within that level. This has the opposite problem, in a way - the root node has a much greater probability of being chosen than any one of the leaf nodes. Just something to think about.
Original post by Nathaniel Hammen
For mutation, I delete the selected node and just build random nodes as I do when creating the tree in the first place.
Something to consider that draws on my note above would be to change only the node itself instead of removing the entire subtree and replacing it. This would require the new node to take the same number of arguments as the old node, but it's arguably a smaller change.
Original post by Nathaniel Hammen
A book... Paying money... Probably not. But, maybe. After all, I did buy "AI Game Programming Wisdom".
If you're attending college, you should look into journal article availability. Other alternatives are memberships to the ACM or IEEE - both offer digital access to certain publications. It'll be harder to find tutorial-like information, but it'll also have a broader wealth of topics.
Are you able to characterize the problem you're having with your results at all? For example, is the population converging to a bad solution, or is it running for many, many generations and never producing a good solution, or perhaps some other problem?