
3D Game Engine Design Book

Started by September 28, 2000 12:07 PM
10 comments, last by archon 24 years, 3 months ago
I just saw this book on Amazon called "3D Game Engine Design: A Practical approach to real-time computer graphics" I was wondering if anyone has the book and what they think about it. Couldn''t find it in the reviews section thanks, archon
Sadly the book is not available at the moment via amazon.. so i have no idea what it is like however you can view the contents page at the link below

Yes, it is available on amazon. (ships in 24 hours). I too would be interested in hearing opinions on this, looks extremely promising...

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
Hmmm....Amazon just let me order it, so I went right ahead...hope fully I''ll have it in my grubby little hands soon
Looking through the table of contents, it looks like quite a good book! Archon, when you get the book, post some comments here please!
I certainly will. It looks to be just the book I was looking for, not that I didn''t want to wade through a thick 3D graphics book, but what I really wanted was help for a 3D engine. Hope it works out.

I''ll send along my initiate low-down

My copy should be here this afternoon I''ll also post my thoughts.

I got to run the sound board for Mellissa Ferrick last night
Ok, I got my copy yesterday and the book looks like it will be great once I figure out the math behind everything.
It seems the entire thing is written in reference to mathematical formulas, and my linear algebra is lacking at the moment. I figure once I get my mind wrapped around the math concepts the book should prove very fruitful.
Looking through the chapters I noticed that the engine specs take care of rendering, transformation and all kinds of other things that I think OpenGl and Direct3D handle for you, and handle with hardware acceleration. This book specs out an entire engine written in software, but its useful to see what goes on behind the scenes.
Again, I just got the book and have to wade through some tutorials before I understand everything, but these are my thoughts at the moment. Anyone know a good linear algebra tutorial online?
I''de be interested in an online linear alegbra tutorial to.

- torquel
- torquel
actually, all you need to know about matrices is available on this website, or any of those books by lamothe, or any 3d game book. that''s all there is to it. well, most of them don''t show you the world to viewer matrix, because opengl and d3d already take care of that, but for transformations is what you should be most interested in, and those are available as i said.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k

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