libpng -- better documents / resources?
I must first concede that i'm not a guru, however i've used a number of API's some with good docs and some with bad ones.
I'm in the process of writting an pngLoader for libSDL, i won't use the SDL_image because i wanted to write my own lib for various reasons.
MY plan was to decode the png file to a memory location, then load the bmp from memory using the RW functions for SDL.
The problem i'm having is the documents are bloody confusing and i'm having difficulties determining when/where/what type of errors are occuring.
I've tried a google search but haven't had much luck finding a good tutorial site, docs, or examples to search for.
Anyone have any resources they'd like to share or any tips about loading it?
<br />View looking north-east (towards whistler) from on top of burnaby mountain (SFU CAMPUS) in Beautiful Vancouver, B.C.Only in Linux :Pdrivers/usb/printer.c:static char *usblp_messages[] = { "ok", "out of paper", "off-line", "on fire" };
use an easier format. If all you want is transparency, then try TGA. Png's are good for websites, and thats about it. Plus it can take a while to decompress if you have alot of images.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
August 31, 2004 12:20 AM
I don't care about load times, its trivial and easier format isn't really what i wanted to do know is it?
Well, I guess you can have some of my older code. At least the PNG loader used to work, don't use the other stuff. It's a really old abandoned thing.
In the .cpp, look for the FIXMEs and throw statements, those are the places where errors occur. There are a few more places where null-pointer checks might be in order (e.g. after the row_pointers assignement). Also, this was last touched in June 2003, so there might be problems with newer versions of libpng.
#ifndef _GLTEXTURELOADER_H_#define _GLTEXTURELOADER_H_#include <GL/gl.h> // for types#include <GL/glu.h>namespace NSoft { using namespace std; class GLTextureLoader { protected: GLubyte** Textures; GLsizei Width, Height; GLuint NumLevels; GLenum Type, Format; bool NeedFree; public: /*! \brief Constructor * * Creates a new GLTextureLoader object * * \param f The texture format (hardcoded to GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this * parameter is currently ignored. * \param t The texture type (GL_RGB, GL_RGBA, ...) * \param nl The number of mipmap levels (currently ignored, set to 1) */ GLTextureLoader( int f, int t, int nl ); virtual ~GLTextureLoader(); /*! \brief Returns a pointer to a texture map * * This method returns a pointer to a texture map of a given Mipmap * level, suitable for use in GL functions. * * \param mml The required mipmap level * \return A pointer to the pixel data array */ inline GLubyte* getTexture( int mml ) { return Textures[mml]; } /*! \brief Returns the texture type * * This method is currently hardcoded to return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE * * \return the texture type */ inline GLenum getType( void ) { return GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; } //FIXME hardcoded /*! \brief Returns the texture format * * Returns the format of the texture (RGB, RGBA, ...) * * \return the texture format */ inline GLenum getFormat( void ) { return Format; } inline GLsizei getWidth( void ) { return Width; } inline GLsizei getHeight( void ) { return Height; } inline GLuint getLevels( void ) { return NumLevels; } }; class GLTextureLoaderPNG : public GLTextureLoader { private: bool* PNGNeedFree; public: GLTextureLoaderPNG( int f, int t, int nl ); ~GLTextureLoaderPNG( void ); void addTexture( int l, char* fn ); };}#endif //_TEXTURELOADER_H_
#include "gltextureloader.hpp"#include <iostream>#include <cstdio>#include <cstdlib>#include <png.h>using namespace NSoft;using namespace std;GLTextureLoader::GLTextureLoader( int f, int t, int nl ) { NumLevels = nl; Type = t; Format = f; NeedFree = false; Textures = NULL; Textures = new (GLubyte*)(NULL); if( !Textures ) { cerr << "Error in constructor!" << endl; throw "Error in constructor!"; //FIXME } NeedFree = true; cerr << "Base constructor reached! Settings:" << endl << " NumLevels: " << NumLevels << endl << " Type: " << Type << "(" << GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE << ")" << endl << " Format: " << Format << "(" << GL_RGB << ")" << endl << endl;}GLTextureLoader::~GLTextureLoader( void ) { if( NeedFree ) { delete[] Textures; }}GLTextureLoaderPNG::GLTextureLoaderPNG( int f, int t, int nl ) : GLTextureLoader( f, t, nl ){ PNGNeedFree = new bool(false);}; GLTextureLoaderPNG::~GLTextureLoaderPNG( void ) { for( int i=0; i<NumLevels; i++ ) { if( PNGNeedFree ) free( Textures ); } delete[] PNGNeedFree;}void GLTextureLoaderPNG::addTexture( int l, char* fn ) { png_byte header[8]; int flags; png_bytep* row_pointers; FILE *fp = fopen( fn, "rb"); if (!fp) { throw "Error opening file"; //FIXME ERROR opening file } // check if this is a PNG file fread( (char*)header, 1, 8, fp ); if ( png_sig_cmp(header, 0, 8) ) { throw "Not a PNG file"; //FIXME NOT_PNG } png_structp pngfile = png_create_read_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL ); if( !pngfile ) { throw "Error creating read structure"; //FIXME ERROR } png_infop pnginfo = png_create_info_struct( pngfile ); if( !pnginfo ) { png_destroy_read_struct( &pngfile, NULL, NULL ); throw "Error creating info structure"; //FIXME } png_infop pngendinfo = png_create_info_struct( pngfile ); if( !pngendinfo ) { png_destroy_read_struct( &pngfile, &pnginfo, NULL ); } // In case of an error, we want to die here! if( setjmp( png_jmpbuf(pngfile) ) ) { png_destroy_read_struct(&pngfile, &pnginfo, &pngendinfo); fclose(fp); throw "Error! longjmp() called!"; //FIXME } png_init_io( pngfile, fp ); png_set_sig_bytes( pngfile, 8 ); // we read 8 bytes to verify cerr << "PNG: IO initiated." << endl; flags = PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_16|PNG_TRANSFORM_PACKING; switch( Format ) { case GL_RGB: // strip alpha channel cerr << "PNG texture DEBUG: stripping alpha channel" << endl; flags |= PNG_TRANSFORM_STRIP_ALPHA; break; case GL_RED: case GL_GREEN: case GL_BLUE: case GL_ALPHA: case GL_LUMINANCE: // single-element map cerr << "Specified unsupported texture type!" << endl; throw "Unsupported texture type!"; //FIXME not implemented break; default: cerr << "PNG texture DEBUG: unknown type given!" << endl; break; } cerr << "Calling png_read_png()..."; png_read_png( pngfile, pnginfo, flags, NULL ); cerr << "done." << endl; // allocate memory //row_pointers = (png_bytep*)png_malloc( pngfile, pnginfo->height*sizeof(png_bytep) ); row_pointers = png_get_rows( pngfile, pnginfo ); cerr << "Allocating " << pnginfo->rowbytes * pnginfo->height * sizeof(GLubyte) << " bytes" << endl; if( PNGNeedFree ) free( Textures[l] ); Textures[l] = (GLubyte*)malloc( pnginfo->rowbytes * pnginfo->height * sizeof(GLubyte) ); PNGNeedFree[l] = true; cerr << "Textures base address: " << Textures << endl; for( int i=0; i<pnginfo->height; i++ ) { memcpy( &(Textures[l][i*pnginfo->rowbytes]), row_pointers, pnginfo->rowbytes ); //row_pointers = &(Textures[l][i*pnginfo->rowbytes]); } if( pnginfo->bit_depth != 8 ) { cerr << "Screwy optics? Bit-depth must be 8! Is: " << pnginfo->bit_depth << endl; } cerr << "PNG texture DEBUG:" << endl << " Format: " << pnginfo->width << "x" << pnginfo->height << "x" << pnginfo->bit_depth*pnginfo->channels << endl; // make the format of an RGB texture RGB even if RGBA was given if( pnginfo->color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB && Format == GL_RGBA ) { cerr << " Overriding alpha setting!" << endl; Format = GL_RGB; } Width = pnginfo->width; Height = pnginfo->height; png_destroy_read_struct( &pngfile, &pnginfo, &pngendinfo ); fclose( fp );}
In the .cpp, look for the FIXMEs and throw statements, those are the places where errors occur. There are a few more places where null-pointer checks might be in order (e.g. after the row_pointers assignement). Also, this was last touched in June 2003, so there might be problems with newer versions of libpng.
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