quote: Original post by Ketchaval
What about being able to positively or adversely affect the lives of the other characters? And learning about their lives after your character completes his tour of duty and retires ? Which maybe a good idea in this type of game, to stop people being bored with POINTLESS toy style play with characters.
I __LIKE__ this! Okay, I''ve got to think of a way to not go gonzo here, but what if: Some of the characters you''ve served with / paired up with pop up later in the game, even before you retired.
This could range from minor to detailed. For instance, by semi-random chance maybe you meet an old crewmember after he''s left your team under good terms. Say he''s running a shop or something, and gives you discounts or inside info.
Or maybe you really wrong a crewmate and he turns up as an adversary... with all the nifty equipment you gave to him! (Turncoat SOB, you think...!)
There would be a limit to how much this happened, but I can see it making for a very consistent universe.
I thought that the concept that the way that YOU BEHAVED when he joined your party COULD CHANGE HIS/HER outlook on life was fairly awesome ! Ie. If you went around mugging, slaving and destroying things then s/he would become a bad character, or if you were a good guy who saved people he might learn from your example!
Hey, this might work for young, impressionable folks. It also might be a source for conflict, too, as your protege goes along with the first few muggings, then has qualms when you move up to grand theft starship, and finally opposes you when murder plots begin. ?
Wow, this is rich territory!!!! But you''d have to be damn clever about the rules system so the AI could actually understand this. I could see this working, tho'', if you could figure out a reputation system for the player, and weight it based on player actions. Then characters who liked your reputation would be more likely to join you. When you''re reputation changed, there''d be conflict.
Just waiting for the mothership...