
Space Based MMO musings

Started by August 26, 2004 07:12 AM
23 comments, last by robert4818 20 years ago
First to note, This is a mental creativity experiment, I have neither the resources, nor the programing skills to execute this idea, so if you don't want to waste your time commenting on something that WILL NOT be developed, stop NOW. Otherwise, please feel free to make comments where appropriate. Please if you do, make a quote of what you’re commenting on. This game is set in the future…and is mainly a space combat MMO with some RPG elements. It is NOT however a space based RPG like EVE or Earth and beyond. Its designed to be a combination of action and strategy. A war rages across the cosmos. It started when the Valkier empire made an invasion into Terran space. The war has been raging for about 150 years both sides are about equal in territory controlled. Then from out of nowhere a new group, the Laredo, have started harsh attacks on both sides and seem intent on wiping them both out of galactic existence. Teams. Terran Alliance- An alliance of many races (decidable at character creation) formed under the ideals of American philosophy Player guilds are known as Corporations. Valkier Empire- A warrior empire made up of the Valkier. The empire grows by making constant war. Player guilds are known as Sects. Laredo- A new entry into the war, but not truly new to the area. At the beginning of the war a large battle between the Terrans and the Valkier nearly wiped out the population on a small world. The survivors left to uncharted space where they ran across the remnants of an ancient empire. Using technology found there, they have rebuilt themselves as an army bent on revenge. Player guilds are known as Clans. Nuetrals- In a war like this true neutrals are not existent. Nuetrals in this game are not fence sitters, but are out casts from each of the teams and form up a fourth group of people that are free to roam around the galaxy as they see fit, acting as merchants that can run between empires, mercenaries that can be hired by any of them, Pirates, or even spies. Player guilds are called whatever they want. Nuetrals are not a team in and of themselves. J Travel Travel is made by way of jump gates. Jump gates are used extensively by all groups to make instantaneous travel between sectors of the galaxy. Rumors also exist of worm holes that have unsteady starting and stopping points….if you find one take it at your own risk. Local semiwarp drives allow for fast travel inside sectors. Large capital ships are the only ships capable of making warp jumps into other sectors without help of jump gates or worm holes. Guilds This game is run by guilds. Guilds are able to make warfare on each other inside of a team, but they gain NO money from it. People only gain money from warring with either neutrals who attack them first or from fighting enemy teams or from completing sales of merchandise (neutrals only). Nuetral guilds are able to fight whoever they want for xp. Large guilds of 200 plus people on one of the three teams are able to purchase capital ships for large scale assaults. Smaller guilds and nuetrals must make due with fighters. Guilds are able to place stations to help secure the area they control. Money in the game all goes to the guild, the guild uses it to purchase ships and maintain bases, and to buy enemy technology off of neutrals. Bases and Stations_(deployables) Deployment bases- These are the only bases that can guilds can buy ships from. Also available here are the matter-energy bots that can be used to build other bases. Each empire has one main deployment base that all players can purchase ships from. It only sells up to mid level ships. Deployment bases provide small weak snub fighters for free. (Think tie fighter) Player bought deployment bases must be placed near a planet and. Sensor bases- Sensor bases provide scanning ability in a sector and will sound a system wide alarm when it picks up enemy ships. Upgrades to this base increase the scanning range of the base. Repair bases- Though ships can land at any base to log out, they can only repair their ships at repair bases. These become important staging grounds from which to launch attacks. Upgrades to this base provide more docks for repair and faster repairs to ships. Weapons platforms- Weapons platforms can be placed near bases to provide extra protection from attacks. They can also provide protection around the entrances to jump gates. Upgrades to this deployable increase their firepower and armor. These require no supplies to maintain if deployed within a certain distance of either a station or a gate. However if deployed at say the entrance to a path through a mine field then they do require supplies of batteries to maintain. Mine Layer- Mine Layers are robotic ships that will mine an area with mines. Players choose the density and area to mine and then purchase the number layers required to place the mines. There are no upgrades. Requires no supplies to maintain. Scientific research stations- Scientific research stations are required to obtain the ability to upgrade other installations past a certain point. No upgrades. Capital Shipyard- Required for building a capital ship. No upgrades. Storage Depot- Holds large amounts of imported supplies. Upgrades to the storage depot increase its storage capacity. All stations require an influx of supplies from the home base of each team. The only exception to this is the deployment station which gets all the supplies it needs from the planet it is stationed by. If a station becomes unsupplied it will simply cease functioning. Combat Combat is real time action. Controls are done either by mouse or by joystick in combination with the joystick. Fast and furious combat is the rule, as you try to steer your ship better than the other person to get off either your lasers or your missiles. Each of the three teams has an advantage over the others guns and shields however can be bought off of neutrals. Each team also has a technological secret that cannot be bought. Terrans- Terrans weapons have a higher rate of firepower, but lack any real punch. They do however have holographic technology that will create a holographic ship next to them that confuses enemy sensors thus giving them an apparent advantage in numbers, and enemies an extra target to shoot at. Higher level ships provide more targets. Valkier- Valkier weapons are all power. Their guns have a low rate of fire but are the most powerful of the three races. Their ships come equipped with a cloak that allows them to sneak up on enemy fighters and then unload their firepower. Higher level ships provide a longer duration cloak and a faster cloak recharge. Laredo- Laredo have weapons that are in the middle of the road. Not as powerful as the Valkier, and not as fast as the Terrans. What they do have though is powerful shields. Shields of the Laredo are in high demand as they are at least half again as strong as either the Valkier or the Terrans. Laredo ships come equipped with a short range teleportation device which allows them to instantaneously move between two spots. If a target is selected that is in range of the teleportation the Laredo is able to actually teleport directly behind it. Higher level ships increase the range of the teleportation. There are two types of fighters in the game, two types of freighter, and two types of capitol ships, and one type of assault ship. Ships come in different levels that allow for stronger guns, shields and armor. Higher levels are faster and more maneuverable than lower level ones. However they do cost more. Capitol ships come in one level only. Fighters Light Fighter- Weak shields, low armor, 2-3 guns, 1 missile launcher, High speed and maneuverability. Heavy Fighter- Strong shields, good armor, 4-6 guns, 2 missile launchers, lower Speed and maneuverability. Freighters Intersystem- Large cargo space, capable of capable of semi-warp speed. Intersystem freighters can only dock with depot stations. Local- Local freighters have less cargo space than intersystem. Can only go ½ semi-warp. It can dock with any station. Capitol ships Carrier- Carriers are capable of holding 20 fighters and 5 torpedo ships. Capable of creating own jump hole. Battleship- Battleships have 12 anti snub fighter guns, and 3 large cannons able to lay waste to anything in its path. Each gun must be manned by a player, and has limited range of movement. Assault Torpedo boats- Torpedo boats are the only ships capable of launching powerful torpedoes. They are usually a little larger than a heavy fighter. They have low speed, low maneuverability, and no forms of self defense. As a final note, neutrals can only build deployment stations, weapons platforms and sensor stations. They have no unique ships but are able to buy ship plans from other teams. These come unequipped with the specials of each race. Gameplay This game is at its core a space dog-fighting game along the lines of Wing Commander. Its sort of Wing-Commander-meets-Planetside. Players can either go out and randomly kill the enemy as solo or group players. Or as I picture this game being primarily run by the guilds in the game, who have the power to build the bases, lay claim to territory and build capital ships, this game could actually turn into some high player space battles. Controls Controls can be done trough a joystick or a mouse and the keyboard. And can be fully customizable. Learning Curve/New vs Old player balance The learning curve in this game, as far as controls go is fairly linear. As a new player you start out with access to ships that do not use as many of the features as the more advanced ships. I.E. No power management, Comand and Control system access, and such. As players progress new ships you gain access to have more advance features, more hard points and more weapons. Higher level ships ARE more powerful than the ships that a new player has, but Balance should be that a new player still has a decent chance against a seasoned veteran if the skills are close to the same. Command features. This game has two levels of command features, the first is at the wing level, Allowing the wing leader to place waypoints, (hey space is big) designate targets, and the such. The second level of command is at the guild (or strategic) level. Allowing guild officers to build up and draw out battle plans for the rest of the guild to see and follow. Communications The communications system in this game is very robust in this game. The channels in this game are as follows. Open - Just a broadcast in the local area, open to all players, enemy and player alike. (this is the only player – enemy comms in the game) Wing - Chat to your wing of fighters. Outfit – Chat to your outfit. Secure – This is the most robust part of the comms system in the game. This allows you to open up a secure channel to one – ten people. This can be done via a command such as /tell [name]; [name]; [name] <text> or through a series of button clicks. (Free mouse mode for clicking on menus and such) The button clicks are done by either pulling up a menu of local players in area and either clicking, or shift+ / ctrl + clicking on their names to select them and hitting open channel, or by simply targeting their ships and hitting open channel. Also available is the option to click on a squad leader, and then hitting a squad button, and opening up a channel to the entire squad. (reply’s can be done to a channel opened this way to either the originating player, or the originating players squad.) Now the one thing I envision here, and it can either be done with an outside program, like TeamSpeak, or through an in game system is that anything listed above through the normal chat window can be done via voice chat. I know this causes lag in a lot of games due to the amount of data that has to go through the game server. So I am open to ideas in this field.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
Interesting concept. Its unfortunate that you don't have the resources to actually produce this. I know I would enjoy playing it =P. I'd just have to say though, that why are you allowing waring between guilds in the same empire but not allowing the gaining xp/money for it? Is there some special reason why guilds can war?

Otherwise well thought out and sounds like fun.
Guilds can war within an empire for attempts to solidify control of an area within an empire. However, any gains from directly killing an ally, is not supposed to be worthwhile. This prevents personal gain from griefing. Personal gain is to be made from killing enemy fighters, not from your ally. However, sometimes your guild does need something that your ally guilds will not give you.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
The only problem I can see would be that if you allow it people will intentionally grief even though there is no real benefit to it... well that's how it would seem to me.

For example, when playing Wolfenstien ET my friend on a server that allows for ally damage will intentionally kill his team mates for no other reason than to kill the team mate. And, he isn't overly discrimenatory about who he kills.

Now putting aside that example, what if you implimented a system that would reward guilds for diplomatic agreements and such, rather than discouraging but allowing guilds within the same empire to kill eachother. I think that might give players a reason to co-operate. Just sort of putting out ideas for you.
Part of the problem is that you will always have griefers... In this situation I would like to take the unpopular decision that SWG did and only allow one character per server. Shadowbane had the idea that Griefers would end up getting Policed by the other players. What, in reality, happened was that people ended up with two characters. One for serious play, and one for grief play. Though of course no one would admit to having a griefer character. This ended up in anonymous griefers that would log as soon as thier griefing is done, with the main character's play uninterupted.

In this game (especially with only one available character per server) a character is unable to get beyond a starter ship without the help of a guild. (they must re-aquire a ship after destruction) This makes griefing anyone but new character's difficult. Also, should a guild decide to start griefing, other guilds can group together and destroy the assets of such a griefing guild. This could very easily destroy the griefing guilds on one server.

Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
I would like to go a little more indepth into the nuetrality aspect of the game.

As I said Neutrals are NOT fence sitters, and have free ability to interact with members of any of the empires without appearing as enemy ships. The fact that they can go anywhere, and do anything may seem like it is a great aspect that could be overwhelming, I would like to note the restrictions posted on nuetral guilds.

First, neutral guilds CANNOT develop new technolgies, such as advanced ships/shipyards, they must be acquired through the other nations. A nuetral guild is able to set up a deployment bases and mining settlements only, however, they are NOT able to upgrade them on thier own. They must, like everything else, purchase the upgrades from empires. Nuetrals do have the ability to acquire upgrades and technologies from destroyed outposts and ships, however, these upgrades are not permanent. A nuetral may come across a new gun, but it does not open up the gun to all of the guild, merely allows that gun to be placed onto ONE ship.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
I forgot to describe mining settlements. These are deployed at planets, moons, asteroid belts etc. To harvest resources.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
The only one character per server isn't a bad idea, as long as you have enough content for the players who have played for long perids of time, so that it won't get boring.

As for the policing that's also not a bad idea, as long as the griefing guild isn't the most powerful one. Even in that case they may have a hard time getting away with it, but...

Also, just throwing this idea out but what about capturing ships? Could a guild from one empire storm another empire/guild's ship (larger than fighter) and take control of it? I really do like this idea, and I am just really curious.
I don't think I mentioned it, but I do intend for capital ships and frieghters to be captured. These ships have individual targets on them that can be destroyed (engines, turrets, etc) and eliminating all of them, without destroying the ship in the process (not easy in the case of capital ships) will allow you to capture them. Frieghters can either be captured and taken, or just looted for resources, though it would probably be easier to just loot a frieghter.

Though it is possible to capture a capital ship, doing so should be a costly operation. First you have to attack, and disable the ship, which is difficult to do in the first place (It must be out of dock to capture) and then the ship must be repaired, (this is not cheap, though repairing the engines will be enough to get the ship back to your home territory) and large amounts of resources must be used to bring the ship back to operational status.

Torpedo boats, fighters, and other stations may not be captured, they must be destroyed...though it is possible to loot the storage depots.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
Hi peeps
This game idea sounds really interesting.
But if u say thats something approaching ps in concept (i play ps 5h a day this times) why not having internal structure for greater ships so u can capture them by boarding em.
Exemple: a battle is going on over a planetary facility.
A capital ship is trying to destroy its orbital defences, but theres a group of heavy fighters just warping to defend the base.
Hopefully main weapons of the capital ship have been destroyed and the engines are damaged so he cant flee from above facility.
Defending guild leaders then order to charge ion cannons to wipe out the intruder. One second later a mate with good command rank
enter in the operating room screaming not to fire ions cannons.
Obviously hes got another idea...
He and his mates have a boarding ship with full assault squad ready to fight. Leaders decide to let him do, and the crew of the capital ship dont show hard resistance against properly trained and equipped marines. The command room is shortly taken and the ship goes to the defending guild.

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