Hmmm... due to the school''s comp lab being closed all day and a load of homework, I didn''t get a chance to reply yesterday. Almost had my thread buried! Anyway, the ENTIRE DIALOG consists of two rich edit controls, the first (see prev post) is IDC_OUTPUT and the other is IDC_COMMAND. Since I don''t have the code in front of me, I can''t tell you the actual numbers. There is nothing else on the dialog (or at least there isn''t supposed to be... I added a button just to test if my code works, and when I click it, it does what pressing enter is supposed to do... and it works. It will be removed later), not even an OK or Cancel button. I do have a menu across the top though. I have assiged Exit under the File menu the APP_ID_EXIT (I think) ID so that when I click it, the app exits, but the rest of them don''t have message handlers (they do have IDs). This has really got me stumped... one more thing I tried was turning off want return on the large rich edit control which didn''t do anything. What did get a response was checking multiline on the small edit control. It sorta works, because it doesn''t exit anymore, but I now have multiple lines
I don''t like that solution. Any more help would be great.
PS - How do I add a handler for the rest of my menu IDs?
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