
my "new" linux box

Started by August 18, 2004 04:53 PM
0 comments, last by C-Junkie 20 years, 1 month ago
w00t! I just got my linux box up and running. Its mostly my old hardware. Mandrake 10 athalon xp 1800 256MB ram 120gig hdd dvd [...other things...] Im just venting my enthusiemu[or something like that] because I finally have a [linux] box which runs Enemy Territory.
Quote: Michael TanczosCut that shit out. You shouldn't be spying on other people.. especially your parents. If your dad wanted to look at horses having sex with transexual eskimo midgets, that's his business and not yours.
Oh yeah? well I jsut got a brand new Inspiron 1150, and everything works perfectly!

now I jsut need to get used to this laptop keyboard....

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