Original post by sunandshadow
Original post by EricTrickster
For writers or potential writers looking for help I do think these are great resources, but how useful would it be for the programmer who comes in with the phrase “Im a coder, not a writer. Please help me write a story”?
Yeah that was what I thought when I first read the original post. The list is still a good idea, but the intended audience should be writers. Non-writers really have no business writing stories, with or without help, they should just team up with one or two of the many writers in this forum who don't currently have a game they're working on.
The way I intended the list is to give people a starting point when writing a story. Most of the people I have noticed that ask for help with storys havnt said 'I have no abilty in writing at all, please write me a story and post it here', rather they ask people for a story that they can continue working on (like the posts
here and <a href="http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=69860>here I found doing a simple search. They might be old posts, im not sure. I just click the first two that came up). In other words, they cant get an
idea for a story. This is what the list is supposed to combat. Hopefully by going to these links they might spot a picture of some SWAT members coming through a portal taking out some aliens, and think 'OMG! I just had an idea for a basis of a story!', something they were previously trying to get through a post on the writing forum. They might buy one of the books SnS mentioned, and have an idea for an awesome character. Once this happens, they are off and running.