Winsock Asynchronous sockets and c++ MFC help?
Hi, im using winsock 2, asynchronous sockets in c++ MFC. My problem is that I need to put a case WM_ONSOCKET (WM_USER+1) inside the message handler. But MFC hides the messenger handler, so what would I do? Thanks
If I understand correctly your problem is that you are lacking a function to handle the message you defined.
Here is what you can do :
Use the ON_MESSAGE macro in your message map like so :
in the header use the following prototype for your handler:
Last thing you need to do is naturally implelement the function in the .cpp file.
Hope this help and good luck! [smile]
If I understand correctly your problem is that you are lacking a function to handle the message you defined.
Here is what you can do :
Use the ON_MESSAGE macro in your message map like so :
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CYourDialog, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CYourDialog) ON_MESSAGE (WM_ONSOCKET , OnSocketOrWhateverYouWannaCallIt) ON_WM_PAINT() //just a sample ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() //just a sample //}}AFX_MSG_MAPEND_MESSAGE_MAP()
in the header use the following prototype for your handler:
afx_msg LRESULT OnSocketOrWhateverYouWannaCallIt(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
Last thing you need to do is naturally implelement the function in the .cpp file.
Hope this help and good luck! [smile]
_________ Evious Ltd.
thanks, i think i got it working, but because this is my first time using winsock in c++, i am wondering if there is anyway that i could test that the:
LRESULT CHostDlg::OnWinsock(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
is actually working, that is the wParam and lParam are receiving variables.
LRESULT CHostDlg::OnWinsock(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
is actually working, that is the wParam and lParam are receiving variables.
Of course there is a way! [smile]
use the WSAGETSELECTEVENT macro on LPARAM to see the type of notification you received.
Actually, I think it would be best if you just read this , it really covers what you are looking for.
use the WSAGETSELECTEVENT macro on LPARAM to see the type of notification you received.
Actually, I think it would be best if you just read this , it really covers what you are looking for.
_________ Evious Ltd.
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