
I need help picking a game engine... Blitz3d?

Started by August 14, 2004 02:22 PM
19 comments, last by 20 years, 2 months ago
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Do you have to know C++/C to program this kind of game in torque? because Im pretty good with Java, and I think Java is a pretty simple language, but C/C++ seemed kinda confusing... I dont want to spend a life-time making this game... so would it take longer to make this game in torque then Blitz?

You can do pretty much everything the basic engine can do with TorqueScript, but you'll need to add certain features to the engine, like a database module etc., which might need a small amount of C++ coding.

Whatever you use, this isn't going to be a small undertaking, and not a good choice for a first game. Having said that, it's not difficult to get a multiplayer FPS up and running with Torque.
[teamonkey] [blog] [tinyminions]
Thx guys, but just to let you know I have written serveral 2d games, 2 of which I wrote are in Blitz3d. So you guys think I should go with Torque? because it looks like it has better graphics... And of course Ill start off writing a simple 3d game before I try to make the game Ive been talking about, also Im estimating it takeing a couple of years before its "done"
Last year some time I bought Torque Game Engine, nice engine, haven't really used it that much, now they bring out Torque Shader Engine, you gotta buy that too, graphics are *much* better with it, meh I'll think I'll just use Ogre3D, , it seems to be the way to go.
depending who and what you are working with, I can say one thing about blitzbasic that puts it way above any other low cost game development solution for max artists. It has the best 3dsmax exporter out there.

so if your using the talents of some good max artists, and want to put together a short time, blitz3d combined with 3dsmax is a phenomenal tool.

BlitzBasic is a great tool for developing games which were at the state of art
just few years ago.
Lack of flexibility? too slow ? old fashion software (it is based on direct x 7.0) ?
Right, but they are more emotional rather real issues.
You can take advantage of the last direct x 9.c features as well as of the higher speed and flexibility fo a custom game engine just in case you work in a team and full time.
In my opinion BlitzBasic is the best choice at an amateur level.
i dont agree that you HAVE to use C++/C but you can do alot more in the way of optimization with C++ and C because you work on a lower lvl. But for games that only have a limited amount of players not(8000) then i say blitzbasic would be good. After all, better to make a game that isnt "top-of-the-line" then to get too discoraged with all the C++ technical stuff and never make one at all
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I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.

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