
Does Ogre support this?

Started by August 10, 2004 04:41 AM
0 comments, last by evolutional 20 years, 6 months ago
Hey, me and a friend have been making models for a game using ogre, but were not fully sure as to whether ogre supports atmospheric apparatus(s). Can someone please clear the air for us as to whether they are supported and if there are any things that we may need to know about how they work in ogre. Thanks.
What do you mean by "Atmospheric Apparatus"? Things to aid breathing?!? OGRE supports shadows, lighting and fog which can be used to create an atmospheric environment - if that's what you're referring to. Bear in mind that OGRE is a graphics engine and not a game engine, meaning it'll give you the means to create such effects, but not actually put it all together for you.

Devmaster::Engines has some information about OGRE if you want to take a look at the features.

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