Quote: Hart said:
I dont really like player citys. it is good to give players a greedom to do things, but i dont really like having too many citys in a game world. also players dont usaully design them as well as if they were already implemented by the devs. but i would like it if guilds would be able to have control of citys. now they wouldnt really be able to control the players directly, like autamatically taking taxes from them. but they woud be able to set a tax, and the people in their guild + the npc guards of the city would enforce the tax and the other laws that players could set up. guild could fight for control of the city and the ruling guild would be able to set taxes for using different features of the city. the ruling guild could also set the NPC gaurds on a certain strictness though, like if a guard sees a player who has a certain amount of lawlessness(something players get for doing bad stuff like player killing and what not) they attack him. the ruler could also pay people for bringing in a player how has a certain amount of lawlessness.
Our design called for a few cities at game start, these cities would remain under the devs control, because we wanted to ensure that there was a city in which laws existed and new players could declare initial citizenship. Our other city was to be a place where the player that enjoyed a bit of lawlessness could get their teeth dirty.
Our design included all of what you have described above, guild dues, taxes, guards etc... The creation of a city would take more than just three guilds coming together to form a city, it would require a substantial sum of in-game money. We considered the creation of a city to be a high-end game - once players achieved city creation then the fun would really begin.
First of all they had a choice of governing types - let's say for example that a city was formed and it was a pure democracy (think Greek) then when that city was formed the first thing that they would have to do is vote on city leaders - every citizens vote would need to be cast, once the leaders where selected they would go to the task of establishing rules for the city, these would have to be voted on.
We had many more plans, and in fact, I'm sure that since my leave about 17 months ago that they have expanded on many aspects of the game... I really hope that they get funding soon... a) because I want to play the game and b) because I may get to actually work on the game :)