Quote: Original post by PinFX
I'm surprised noone has mentioned City of Heroes, which applies a partial no-numbers system including the unshowed stats and getting new skills each level that you mentioned. As far as I could tell it didn't take much away from the fun, but maybe if we explored this concept of leveling up more, we could find ways to make leveling up even more fun.
Another game worth mentioning is Eve-Online. Levels are none existant (to an extent). Your character trains at a rate dtermined by his primary/seconday attributes, whether your online and playing or offline, he will still train at the same rate.
This appeals in one way, in that you don't have to play every hour of every day to compete with the hardcore players. You can spend your time in the game focussing on playing, having fun, earning money and not just randomly killing stuff to reach the next level. That said, you find yourself spending a lot of time randomly killing stuff to get enough money to make use of the skills you trained while you slept :P
Despite having no leveling, the game is still addictive, but the addiction is now in other areas of the game such as earning the most money, or owning the best ships/items, or killing the most player characters.
Leveling may be addictive (albeit borringly addictive) purley because its an easy goal for players. Remove the leveling and they'll find other areas of the game to become addicted to, which will hopefully be more intresting (but not always)