
I'm new, where do i start

Started by September 21, 2000 05:04 PM
5 comments, last by neo cold fusion 24 years, 4 months ago
I just started getting intrested in game programming about, 1 week ago. I have decided to learn C++, which will be the language i will use to programe my games. First off i need help on where i can learn C++ the best. Either on the Inetrnet or get a book?If a book, which one? So far i have been looking on the Internet for tutoral''s but i can''t find any. Another thing i am have trouble deciding is wether to use OpenGL or ActiveX. I have been told that OpenGL is better. Please help, i dont know where to start.
I''m relitivly new to the programming thing to. I just finished my first real game, it was a 2D platform game where u were a little green man and jumped between moving platform which appeared from the sides of the screen shooting the invading humans. I used 2 books to learn form, the first was tricks of the game programming gurus, by andre LaMothe, and the other was SAMS teach yourself DirectX in 24 hours. I found tricks was very detailed but sometimes too technical 4 me to understand fully, while tricks was somewhat lacking in details, like it said now we do this, code, but didn''t really explain how the code worked. But between them I managed to get a good idea of what I was doing and the game turned out pretty cool (extra special thanx to the people from this forum who helped when I got stuck). I used DirectX just because thats what the books were on.

good luck,
Ehren holgersson
I thought ActiveX was for webpage stuff. ....Oh you mean directX
In my help letter i put in activex, when i was meant to say, directx. Thanks for the advice Eholga.
first off, visit my page! j/k i don''t have any tutorials but i do have some c and c++ compilers. i would suggest using the djgpp compiler because, if you''re like me, then you''re on a tight budjet, and it''s free. you can get it from
if you want, though, you can use MS-VisualC++

awright, mostly i learnt c++ because i had a nice guru tutor in grade 12 to teach me, but he''s since graduated. some sites to check out: <-- lotsa links to tutorials, including a good graphics tutorial, i can''t remember what it''s called <-- they have alot of dl''s for much stuff

plz note, this is all for if you are a complete newbie like i was! alot of the stuff you can find at these places deals with DOS programming, which is a good pllace to start out if you want to learn the basics.
neo cold fusion ,

Just for future reference, this is the wrong forum for that type of question. It would be better to post in the General Programming Forum. I'd rather tell you now than have you deal w/ MadKeithV

"'Nazrix is cool' -- Nazrix" --Darkmage

Edited by - Nazrix on September 21, 2000 6:41:21 PM
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Just kill yourself and put us out of your misery.

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