
MMO idea i might make...if i can find some1 to help when i kno enough )

Started by August 04, 2004 01:19 PM
20 comments, last by DesignerGuy 20 years, 5 months ago
constructive criticism please... name: "Life on the thorns of a rose", "off the beating path", or "circle of betrayers" (ya...its a working title...) game type: medevil/pre-history magical MMO idea: There would be 2 massive mods (me and a friend of mine, both of us r learning C++ rapdily ) …each would have a "heaven" you could say. The idea of the game is that there is no right answer. it would be &#111;ne group against the other group against evil… karma: there would be a karma infostructure as follows: good 1000-990 pure 989-700 acceptable 699-500 tainted 11-499 evil 0-10 if you kill a creature/other player (see below) the karma would change as follows: good =&gt; your karma - 100 pure =&gt; your karma - 50 acceptable =&gt; your karma -10 tainted =&gt; your karma + 10 evil =&gt; your karma + 50 …there would be no evil leader… you would enter the game (for the first time) as an "abandoned child" &#111;n the outskirts of a town…you would have "divine grace" (can't kill or be killed but can train) for 24 hours (RL) or until you leave the town…after that you are considered an "adult"…in order to stop godly charachters from forming, each charachter has a "life span" of about 3 years (its a long time, for those of you don't play MMO's) and then they "die" (they are an entity &#111;n another plain so you can still play them but you cannot enter the living plain [acception below]). you can have an "heir" (didn't figure out how i could rig this and not have an "M" rated game ;)) who would take over some of your stats, magic, and all of your items. there would be no "logging off" of the game. your charachter just "sleeps". when you sleep you get energy back and when u run out of energy you HAVE TO sleep. if you have to "leave the game" but you have energy left you can set up a list of things for your charachter to do automatically (except no form of training or fighting) but if/when your charachter runs out of energy they drop and go to sleep where they are (you can put a "go to bed" function in there so they DO actually go to bed). While you are asleep you can be killed or looted or both…if you are in your house and someone loots your body they get a "town offense" against them and if you are killed they get a "country offense" against them…each town has a "town stone" (placed by mods) which, when touched lists off players with offenses against them (looting people's bodies, killing people in non-duel situations). Each country has a "country monument" which acts the same way. if a crime is committed out of town borders (namely: looting a living body) you can't do anything unless u see them…if a crime is committed out of country borders (namely: killing at sea, etc.) you can't do anything about it except take it into ur own hands. Politics: EVERYTHING except the fundamentals will be player run (or so we hope)…players can set up their own gov. if they want and choose how to deal with a player doing something to another player. There would be no global channels with which to announce "SUCH AND SUCH IS A SCAMMER!!!"…fan websites would be frowned upon…the point of hte game is "ITS THE REAL WORLD BUDDY, DON'T KNOW IT, TOO BAD" or "ITS THE REAL WORLD BUDDY…you figured it out? good!" there would be a global mod channel and "magical stones" in each "right" side's bases as well as the 16th circle of (don't want to have to retype post due to censorship so u fill it in!!!) death would be perminant. except for the entity thing…then u can't be killed…(except mod bans ;)) WELLS and PLAINS: there would be 3 wells and 2 plains. the plain of hte living and the plain of the dead…the wells would be 1) from the plain of the living to hte plain of the dead/plain of the dead to plain of the living (opens 1 time/RL week…miss it? too bad! there would be a system though, where it opens up 3 hours later each week so you don't need to get up early or stay up late) 2) main continent to "he (fill in blanks…censorship -.-)" continent which would simply be training…it would open &#111;ne time every day (pushing back 3 hours each day…once every 27 hours) 3) "broken well"…it would push you to some random place…always open…it could push a living dude into the dead plain or a nwb into the other continent…or it could be ur ticket to the other continent if u missed the other well ======================================================================================================== that is my game idea…what do u think? did any1 actually read all of it? -Ajain <!–EDIT–><span class=editedby><!–/EDIT–>[Edited by - Ajain on August 4, 2004 1:55:39 PM]<!–EDIT–></span><!–/EDIT–>
...though i do not believe in what you are saying, I will defend your right to say it to my death!(no source sited)
it wsa shorter than i thought...i can post the "moves" idea i had...

moves (players make):
you would make them yourself. you would be given a "stick man" with joints ingame and you would make "3 step moves", "4 step moves", "5 step moves", or "2 step moves" would just arrange the skeleton and press "save step" could then see a rough out (there would be an automatic animation)...there would also be "pre-made moves" made by the mods and that u have at could also "share" moves with other players...rude moves would be deleted when seen ;)

as for the number of customizable move slots...i think me and my friend said 22 or would program F1 through F12 with a move each (number keys too but you would be writeing over the pre-made moves)

that took shorter than i thought

...though i do not believe in what you are saying, I will defend your right to say it to my death!(no source sited)
forgot a few other things...


trollic (ever read the wheel of time series? it would be under a different name tho...we r pretty sure this is copywritten)
Angle (unlocked after the first time you reach nirvana on an account) [life span of 5 years in all]
god (unlocked after the fifth time you reached nirvana on an account) [lives forever]

nirvana--your karma would be taken 1/2 of and that would be added to the automatic 500 given to your heir at birth...once you have a charachter that dies with a "good" status you reach nirvana and can play as other creatures)

another thing we wanted was a craft system where you can do anything with anything...or try to...we wanted a huge stat list and a huge craft list and a huge item list...still in the works though...

that is all i'm saying about the game idea me and my friend had...what do u guys think?

...though i do not believe in what you are saying, I will defend your right to say it to my death!(no source sited)
Second post today I have made about the exact same thing.

Question: Why on earth are you thinking of making a game that is following the exact same theme as every other online game out there? Do you purposefully want as much competition as possible? Why not come up with an original idea and theme instead of yet another medeval MMO.. You just have to look at it logically, when you have sony on one end spending countless millions on EQ2, why would anyone want to play a game that follows the same basic plot/mechanics which is made by a couple of guys in their basement?
Quote: Original post by netflow
Second post today I have made about the exact same thing.

Question: Why on earth are you thinking of making a game that is following the exact same theme as every other online game out there? Do you purposefully want as much competition as possible? Why not come up with an original idea and theme instead of yet another medeval MMO.. You just have to look at it logically, when you have sony on one end spending countless millions on EQ2, why would anyone want to play a game that follows the same basic plot/mechanics which is made by a couple of guys in their basement?

Second time I've responded to you're cutting down of people's ideas. This time I'll go for a different route.

You're over-analyzing this. You're saying, "It's Medievil, so it's a copy of every other Medievil-themed game." Well, there's certain things about a game that you're over-looking. Game isn't just setting, you know. A game is not determined but where it takes place. I learned in school that there are several parts of a story: major characters, minor characters, setting, plot, and I think others that escape me right now. Basically, setting's only a fraction of the whole.

Here's a thought: In stead of being like everyone else, who would easily cut down Ajain's idea, why don't you try to encourage him? Stop trying to stomp on the dude's dream of a game because of mere similarities.
Is this what they call being original now? Instead of just steaaling ideas from Tolkein, now your stealing ideas from robert jordan too?
actually all races are in mytholigy somewhere or another...tolkien didn't make up elfs...or dwarfs...and notice I don't have hobbits ;)

as for the game design that is nothing like any of tolkien or jordan's books...the "city stone" idea along with automatic offenses and the concept of "sleep" may have been used before but I certainly haven't seen them in a game...

the only idea I took from either was (from RJ) the trollic...

...though i do not believe in what you are saying, I will defend your right to say it to my death!(no source sited)
Well now, lets be honest.. There really isnt a whole lot new to this type of game. I agree we shouldnt ruin the poor kids dream, but lets not hype him up over mediocrity..

I like the ideas youve put forth.. The idea of nirvana and multiple lives is interesting to say the least. Maybe on your next post you could expand on that. Where instead of explaining the reprocussions from killing a good or bad, what is the motivation for players to be either? New moves/skills/spells? Different areas? Different resources?

Once you have compiled such a list, be honest with yourself. In your list, is there really enough available for either type (good or bad) that will hold the players interest long enough to play? Its easy to come up with an idea for a MMORPG, as these games are the closest to mimicing real life, thus we have the greatest grasp for these types of games.. But most players who play these games will put 100+ hours into them. Ask yourself, is reaching nirvana, and starting over really going to make enough available to the player to have them invest that kind of time? I think this is why in most MMORPGs, we have on character that grows on and on.. because its discouraging to have to start from scratch, which seems to be the premise of the game..

Also, if there arent enough advantages to being bad, what youll have are thousands of players being good, which then removes any battle of good vs evil, in which case, it might as well be a single player game..

Keep it up, add some more details, and give us a little substance to critic.. What we have here are the bare bones to your game.
And lets be honest, Robert Jordan stole a bit from Tolkien, too ;)
"Game Programming" in an of itself does not exist. We learn to program and then use that knowledge to make games.
Before I try to explain to you why you should put MMO game programming in the back of your brain, I will honestly offer some truly constructive criticism.

Why on earth would an evil person *gain* karma for killing someone? The way your scale looks (1000 = good, 0 = bad) the more karma you have, the better person you are. What you're saying is if you're good and you kill someone, that's bad. But if you're BAD, and you kill someone, that's GOOD. Said that way, it almost makes sense...but when an evil person kills someone, they actually move CLOSER to the good side of the spectrum.

So basically to achive true neutrality in karma, you must kill as many player characters as possible.

I don't think that'll fly.

Now, here's something that you may not appreciate. If you are only just learning C++, there is absolutely no way you are going to write an MMO. The scope of such a project is beyond insane for a group of any people numbering fewer than two dozen, and all of them need to be hyper-motivated (or decently paid) and very well experienced in whatever programming language(s) you'll be using. Graphics engine, server security, server stability, sound recording, music composition and recording, integration of music into the game, design for non-player foes and characters, and...well, there is an article on this site that may help you.

Read this article

It talks about MMOG considerations and gives a good feeling on just how complicated the project that you're proposing is.

Please take it from me, as I may be one of the politest people when it comes to cautioning against this sort of thing: if you are *serious* about programming games, well you have my respect: start with Tetris. If you want nothing more than to make a humungous world that you and your friends can run around in and fight bad guys, play a table-top RPG. You can expand the scope of those games so quickly that they would certainly meet your desires.

I sincerely hope you read the article and take it to heart. Don't be discouraged. Just understand that you likely won't be a part of an MMOG constructing team until you've got at least a masters in CompSci and can do dot-products in your head.

Good luck.

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