
im faithful :)...

Started by December 12, 1999 12:16 AM
12 comments, last by firahs 25 years, 3 months ago
Who knows? I'd rather just be a member.


Sorry, I uploaded the new user levels this morning, but didn't have time to make a post explaining them. The breakdown is:

0-19 Member
20-49 Faithful
50-99 Fanatic
100-199 Zealot
200-399 Martyr
400-??? Saint

there are a couple of levels above that, but since no one is there yet, I'm not going to mention them.

I don't know if anyone would really care that much, but I thought it would be nice to have more levels, and this progression seems to reflect a person's level of activity, rather than their level of knowledge.

- Dave

Actually, I just changed Faithful to Dedicated and Member to Initiate. There will probably more tweaking that goes on as I get suggestions. Sorry.
Does it defeat the purpose to put the number of posts in the profile page?
How would that defeat the purpose?
Ok.... I think I liked being a Guru better than a Martyr though. Now it sounds like I'm gonna sacrifice myself for GameDev or something.

- Splat

What, are you saying you wouldn't?
you know Splat, with that many posts, one could argue that you've *already* sacrificed a large chunk of your life to gamedev.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios

Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
Hey! Mason gets it!
Oh well, I was a bit overzealous to begin with, but now I've calmed down a wee bit. The first week or so I had posted like 70 messages! Its a bit unusual to be able to help so many people at something that I'm actually good at.

- Splat

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