
Unless SDL_Mixer is REALLY good...

Started by July 27, 2004 10:59 PM
9 comments, last by thedevdan 20 years, 7 months ago
I think I'm going to use FMOD for the sound in my engine. It won't be a big deal to go back and change it(it won't break my code), but is there any reason that I should use SDL_Mixer other than the FMOD license? I was thinking of using SDL_Mixer, but FMOD seems much more powerful and user-friendly. I am using SDL for graphics, input, and timer. Is there a striking reason I should add sound to the list (however, I will be using SDL_Mixer instead of SDL_Audio).
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SDL_Mixer is another rather low level, close to the metal tool. You're way better off with FMOD.
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SDL_mixer is buggy (or at least was last time we used it).
I recomand OpenAL+Ogg/Vorbis
Fmod has some restrictions, and the MP3 format is not exactly free either for comemrcial products.
umm SDL_Mixer sucks but i didnt find it that hard. is FMOD really that easy to use?
SDL_Mixer is another rather low level, close to the metal tool.

You're kidding, right? Maybe it's just because I've done a fair bit of coding with PortAudio, JACK, and the like, but I wouldn't really consider calling functions like Mix_LoadMUS("file.ogg") and Mix_PlayMusic() "low level."

As far as thedevdan's original question goes, the only reasons I can think to stick with SDL_Mixer are licensing and portability. If you have enough money to purchase a license for FMOD, or if you're not charging anything for your game, that shouldn't be a problem. Portability is probably a small issue as well. FMOD now has a Linux port, so unless you want to port to BeOS, *BSD, AtheOS, or some other esoteric operating system, you don't need to worry about that either.
Noah, ive said the same thing before. people always talk about SDL like its low level, but to me it seems pretty Simple, a little too simple to be considered low level. but everyone else ive ever talked to says otherwise =)
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I agree that there's not a very good reason to be stuck to SDL for all of your needs. SDL_mixer in my view is every bit as easy to use as everything else in SDL, but I found FMOD to be more useful, and, if it's possible, easier to use.
Thanks for the replies.

From FMOD's site:

FMOD is the fastest, most powerful and easiest to use sound system on Windows, Linux, and Windows CE there is, and now Macintosh, GameCube, PS2 & XBox!.

I don't know which OSs that would be... if they say it that way I assume all of the more modern ones, correct? If someone has a definitive answer that would be great. I am really trying to keep my code portable here. Also, the license isn't a problem, because I won't be making any money off of this, and if I ever choose to, switching will be fairly easy.

Anyone who is wondering whether to use FMOD: It is so simple that it makes no sense. It is to sound what SDL is to graphics, I would say.

EDIT: On their site, in the features section, it again says "Apple Macintosh", so I don't know which OSs.

But I did find this disturbing: no MIDI support for Linux/Mac?
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I guess it's OSX
Original post by Raduprv
I guess it's OSX

If anything, it would be that, yeah. But has anyone tried playing MIDIs on Lunix/OSX? I don't have either one, but it says that there is no MIDI support.
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