This is the most obscure error message I have ever had... Google turns up nothing on it.
Here's the deal:
World = {
Room = { file = "thing.lua" },
So, a table World contains a table Room which contains a string 'file'. At some point, I want to do this:
But alas, no. I get the wondrous "Attempt to index a string value" message. The bizarre thing is that I can change the string's name to various other things, and then it -does- work. So with some names it works, with some names it doesn't. And these names aren't already defined, I used countless bizarre unique names to try it out. For instance, World.Room.scr, World.Room.BLARGH, World.Room.IWillNotBeDenied work, and the file gets loaded, while when I name it World.Room.DAMN, World.Room.test, World.Room.Scri or other various names, it doesn't work.
What in the name of Lua is going on here? And what the hell does "Attempt to index a string value" mean?
Nein heer du smign. ah open up the nine im heer du shmine