
DirectPlay createplayer

Started by July 22, 2004 05:48 PM
0 comments, last by djurens 20 years, 6 months ago
Hi! I have created a directplay class which I use in a in-game chat. (I have not written the mp-game code yet, just the chat-code). I have only tested it one time with a friend, and then something strange happens: It works fine when my friend is hosting and I is joining, but when I host and my friend tries to join it fails. It is the following code that catches the failed connection attempt: // Connect to the session hReturn = pDP->Connect(&dpnAppDesc,pHostAddress,pDeviceAddress, NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,&hConnectAsyncOp,NULL); if(hReturn != E_PENDING && FAILED(hReturn)) { lstrcpy(szlog, "*CONNECT_FAILED* "); return -1; } Anyone have any ideas what can be the problem? I mean we both have the exact same version of the game, why dont it work alike each way? I tried to shutting down firewalls but no changes. Any idea would be higly appreciated! Thanks in advance! [Edited by - djurens on July 22, 2004 6:06:46 PM]
hmm! Embaressing! "maybe" we got the ip-number wrong because our supplier has changed them without any notice..

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