
Ext3 or ReiserFS4 ?

Started by July 22, 2004 03:55 PM
1 comment, last by NicoDeLuciferi 20 years, 3 months ago
For use of programming, which would be better with speed and stability? (I heard if the power goes out with reiserfs, then you will lose the data). Is this still true now with reiserfs4? Ext3 is very stable, but a little slower. Although I have a fast drive, so it shouldn't matter much. Edit: If I use the new debian installer beta4, would that install reiserfs4 or 3? Thanks
I wouldn't recommend reiser4 yet - it works fine for a lot of people, but not everyone

You won't lose everything with reiserfs (i.e. reiser3) if you computer switches off abruptly - that can happen with ext2 (though in my experience you don't lose everything, but enough to break things), but not reiserfs or ext3

reiserfs is faster for small files (I've never known how small small is though), but writing to it also tends to be more cpu intensive

Sorry I don't have a definitive answer, different people like different filesystems, but at the end of the day I don't think it makes _that_ much difference
have a look here


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