score samples
Hello, my name is Jay (Navarone) Wollin, I am a profesisonal composer, with Epiphany 6 Studios. I wanted to post some samples up here in case anyone was ever looking for a composer. So... here we go! Action Theme (World War 2)WW2 North Africa Campaign ThemeWorld War 2 Main ThemeNormandy Main ThemeStar Wars music Please excuse the quality of some of the samples as they are general MIDI and have yet to be converted to VST. Thank you. Fruny - edit: links HTMLified. [Edited by - Fruny on July 22, 2004 2:55:09 PM]
JAY (NAVARONE) WOLLINcomposer: www.JayWollin.comlead designer/developer: Epiphany 6 Studios
I apologize immediately as I noticed that I do not know the correct way to format links in this forum. Please excuse the sloppy post.
JAY (NAVARONE) WOLLINcomposer: www.JayWollin.comlead designer/developer: Epiphany 6 Studios
Use HTML tags to create links.
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
thanks a lot! Sorry for the screwup.
JAY (NAVARONE) WOLLINcomposer: www.JayWollin.comlead designer/developer: Epiphany 6 Studios
I actually use a really cheap program for the score notation. Here's what I do.
I use a program called Melody Assistant, which is available as a trial version and for only 18 dollars full version. It works as well as Finale only without the same printing options. I swear by it personally. Here's a link:
Melody Assistant Homepage
Then, once the score is done in MA I export the file into a MIDI 1 file. Then, I import the MIDI file into a new Cubasis document. There I assign each track its patch. I prefer to use the Edirol Orchestral VST instruments, the only orchestral samples that even come close are the Garritain Personal Orchestra samples. Either way, once those are set I tweak the tracks and mix them and then export the file to a .wav file, then convert to MP3. Feel free to PM or e-mail me if you have any other questions. I love to help!
I use a program called Melody Assistant, which is available as a trial version and for only 18 dollars full version. It works as well as Finale only without the same printing options. I swear by it personally. Here's a link:
Melody Assistant Homepage
Then, once the score is done in MA I export the file into a MIDI 1 file. Then, I import the MIDI file into a new Cubasis document. There I assign each track its patch. I prefer to use the Edirol Orchestral VST instruments, the only orchestral samples that even come close are the Garritain Personal Orchestra samples. Either way, once those are set I tweak the tracks and mix them and then export the file to a .wav file, then convert to MP3. Feel free to PM or e-mail me if you have any other questions. I love to help!
JAY (NAVARONE) WOLLINcomposer: www.JayWollin.comlead designer/developer: Epiphany 6 Studios
Fair enough, I don't claim to be the authority, I am not too familiar with the gigasamples. I was asked what I used, and I told and gave my opinion. Thanks for offering up other options.
JAY (NAVARONE) WOLLINcomposer: www.JayWollin.comlead designer/developer: Epiphany 6 Studios
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