
Screen goes black after starting x (just set driver to "nvidia" in xorg)

Started by July 19, 2004 05:39 PM
20 comments, last by clum 20 years, 1 month ago
I'm trying to get my GeForce MX440 PCI card to work with my Slackware computer. When I first had Slackware, I installed the 6106 Nvidia display drivers, and everything worked fine. However, when I changed my kernel from 2.4->2.6.7, nvidia failed to work. In uninstalled, and reinstalled my nvidia drivers, and then changed my xorg.conf to Load "glx" and set the Driver from Driver "nv"-> Driver "nvidia." When I restarted X, my monitor would just go blank, and I couldn't do anything, I couldn't ctrl-alt-backspace out of X, I couldn't restart the computer through Ctrl-Alt-Delete, so I had to manually restart my computer. When I looked through my Xorg.0.log file, there were absolutely no problems! The last line was something like: (II) Set resolution 1024x768. I'll try to get a copy of that log file... X works again only after I set the Driver back to "nv" Any ideas? Thanks, Cipher3D
I eat heart attacks
Apparently, there are issues with Linux kernel 2.6.7 and the NVidia driver. I'm not entirely clear if it is the kernel's fault or the driver's fault. I can however, assure you that the problem is likely not your fault.

Also try updating to the newest NVidia Linux driver if you have not already, since they released one just 20 days ago. I heard some buzz about stacksize being an issue. Perhaps the fact that the newest Linux driver supports 4k stack kernels will help you out some.

Good luck. Please post back if it fixed the problem as I'm sure there are others who would like to know if it helped.
Hm...I've looked around many forums, and sooo many people have these 4k stack sizes is the point of having a smaller stack size? Maybe if i set it to a 4k stack size, the nvidia drivers would work (wishful thinking)


Edit: Also, does the fact that Slackware 10 uses instead of XFree86 have anything to do with it? Because all nVidia driver installation tutorials talk about XFree86...

maybe my Xorg doesn't support DRI/GLX..
I eat heart attacks
nVidia's drivers didn't support 4k stack size for a little while, which were introduced in 2.6.7. However, nVidia gained support for it starting with version 6106, so that probably isn't the problem. Personally, I haven't gotten the drivers working right on a kernel newer than 2.6.5, though I'm using old drivers. But even disabling the 4k stacks, my drivers still don't function right in anything over 2.6.5. Needless to say, nVidia's drivers have a been getting a little flakey lately, but the 4k stack size problem shouldn't be an issue if you're using a driver >= 6106.
I've been waiting to see a post that says they got it working, since I don't feel like messing up my install right now. heh. nobody's been able to get nvidia working on 2.6.7? huh...interesting.

i'll keep seems like nobody's gotten it working yet.
I eat heart attacks

Some posts there lead me to believe that it has been working for some people, one guy even mentions using Xorg.

I'm not sure about it though.
Let's see:
Linux 2.6.7(-gentoo-r11)...check
Nvidia 6106...check

Works for me just fine. The only part I had trouble with was that I forgot to update nividia-glx at the same time as nvidia-kernel (on Gentoo, they're two seperate packages). After that, everything worked fine.
i think the kernel version has to do something with it...

what are these nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx packages? from what i've heard, i thought nvidia integrated them into one display driver package...
I eat heart attacks
jackal's works. That is what I thought by seeing some posts and that the new driver supports 4k stacks.

I'll give it a shot maybe.

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