
Screen goes black after starting x (just set driver to "nvidia" in xorg)

Started by July 19, 2004 05:39 PM
20 comments, last by clum 20 years, 1 month ago
I'm running Slack 10 with a vanilla hand-compiled 2.6.7 (not the one in testing, NO 4k stacks) nVidia drivers 6106 on -> absolutely no problems, but I had to tweak with pemissions/groups to get glx working. Make sure your user is member of the 'video' group. Even if you change the permissions in /dev they will be reverted to original values because of udev so one really has to work with groups.
Maybe that helps.
Quote: Original post by Cipher3D
ahaha...i think i know why 2.6.7 wouldn't start up...i think i accidentally disabled RAM disk support...

does anybody have the problem of rushing through xconfig because there's so many options? I simply don't have the patience to figure out what each and every single config option is, so i just check, uncheck my way through, and I'm paying for it

EDIT: Thank God for backup kernel...
That's why I'm very, very careful to leave those .config files around for my older kernels, so that I have something to work on if I miss something or if I get new hardware and don't have to go through the whole thing again. In the "Gentoo Installation Handbook", they recommend keeping the .config files in your /boot directory with the same name as the kernel (just with config instead of kernel). In other words, here's my /boot directory:
bash-2.05b$ ls /boot boot config-2.6.5-gentoo grub kernel-2.6.5-gentoo kernel-2.6.5-gentoo-n
As mentioned above, I still use the 2.6.5 kernel because I had too many problems with 2.6.7. I The -n kernel is the same one, just with an extra driver that I forgot to put in the first time.
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