Nehe's Lesson 41 IPicture loading and Dev-C++
Hi, i'm new here, and I'm french, my english is not good.
In the Nehe's lesson 41, The Dev-c++ source does not use the IPicture loading. In order to make the IPicture loading work under Dev-C++, you must add
#include <wtypes.h> //for VARIANT_BOOL
#include <unknwn.h> // for LPUNKNOWN
#include <oaidl.h>
#include <objidl.h> // for the interfaces
before the #include <olectl.h>
It's com interface so you must add -fvtable-thunks in the Compiler Options | Add the following commands...
Another problem : OleLoadPicturePath is not defined!
So add this declaration before the last #ifdef __cplusplus in <olectl.h> :
STDAPI OleLoadPicturePath(LPOLESTR szURLorPath,LPUNKNOWN punkCaller,DWORD dwReserved,OLE_COLOR clrReserved,REFIID riid,LPVOID * ppvRet );
And add the following libraries :liboleaut32.a and libuuid.a
On my version of Dev-C++ ( it works, i don't know if it works on all versions because there is always problems with com interface on dev-c++...
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