
I just installed redhat

Started by July 13, 2004 10:00 PM
13 comments, last by sakky 20 years, 2 months ago
I just installed redhat! This is a pretty cool OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if any of you hae any good links to programming Linux stuff like KDE / Gnome / Qt. I've seen a programming book at Hastings for Qt. I also need to know how to recompile the kernel for me GeForce and various other hardware stuff. I don't want th kernel to be always seraching or looking for what I have. I just want it to know. Where are some really good Linux beginner tutorials? I need tutorials for pretty much everything.
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
For beginner tutorials I've never seen one as good as rute's

for the GeForce kernel questions, I'm not sure but maybe will help

and for info programming linux apps look in this forums faq, and also look at wxWindows and FLTK.
Quote: Original post by sakky
I just installed redhat! This is a pretty cool OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if any of you hae any good links to programming Linux stuff like KDE / Gnome / Qt. I've seen a programming book at Hastings for Qt.

I also need to know how to recompile the kernel for me GeForce and various other hardware stuff. I don't want th kernel to be always seraching or looking for what I have. I just want it to know.

Where are some really good Linux beginner tutorials? I need tutorials for pretty much everything.

You do realize the end user version of Redhat stopped at Redhat 9? That it's discontinued except for the enterprise versions?

Redhat has too much bloat for my liking. Slackware comes in first for me, and Suse at a close second.
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Quote: Original post by Drevay
Quote: Original post by sakky
I just installed redhat! This is a pretty cool OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if any of you hae any good links to programming Linux stuff like KDE / Gnome / Qt. I've seen a programming book at Hastings for Qt.

I also need to know how to recompile the kernel for me GeForce and various other hardware stuff. I don't want th kernel to be always seraching or looking for what I have. I just want it to know.

Where are some really good Linux beginner tutorials? I need tutorials for pretty much everything.

You do realize the end user version of Redhat stopped at Redhat 9? That it's discontinued except for the enterprise versions?

Redhat has too much bloat for my liking. Slackware comes in first for me, and Suse at a close second.

yeah last time I used redhat was around version 8. but yeah pretty good job getting up and running cuz even the last newest and bestest version was a pain compared to a recent distro like suse 9.1 which I use.
On suse and most other recent distro's it's not necessary to recompile your kernel anymore(which I wouldn't recommend any new linux user to do) just to get your geoforce card working. just go to nvidia site and download the latest drivers and and run the script and it automatically installs the drivers for you and on suse you just type sax2 afterwards to finish.
I have the qt book your probably talking about and it's excellent if your c++ skills are up to snuff.
And all of this is greek to you best bet is to find a local linux guru like me in your area that will show you all the tricks of the trade in a couple of hours that would normally take new linux user weeks surfing the web and reading books!
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe
Quote: Original post by sakky
I just installed redhat! This is a pretty cool OS. Anyways, I just wanted to know if any of you hae any good links to programming Linux stuff like KDE / Gnome / Qt. I've seen a programming book at Hastings for Qt.
If you're looking for a crossplatform took-kit, Qt may not be the way to go. I *think* it's licensing is not free for win32 applications. (If not that, qt has something different on win32) I've heard good things about GTK and wxWindows.
Quote: I also need to know how to recompile the kernel for me GeForce and various other hardware stuff. I don't want th kernel to be always seraching or looking for what I have. I just want it to know.
If you are installing the nvidia official driver, you don't need to recompile your kernel. It may want the path to the directory of the sources, but you don't need to recompile a kernel.
Quote: Where are some really good Linux beginner tutorials? I need tutorials for pretty much everything.
First definitely remember the "man" command. (Short for manual) It works for any program. If someone tells you to do
$ tar -xzvf foo.tar.gz
and you want to know what it means, just read the man:
$ man tar
And here's a huge list of linux HOWTO's,guides, and FAQ's

Did that help?
I have Gentoo Linux burned to a CD, but I had trouble installing it. It had to download stuff from the internet to get working. I also downlaoded Turbo Linux, but I didn't burn it yet. I got all my Linux stuff from

I like the gnome GUI better then the KDE one now. I think I want to just use the gnome GUI. So should I remove all othe GUI stuff and just use gnome with a different Linux? I want a newer version that is fast and has tons of GUI stuff for gnome.

I see that RedHat found and used my intergraded sound card (VIA). Will Slackware or Suse find and use it to? I was going to download Slackware at one time, but I was downloaded like 4 other Linuxes at the time so I forgot. I now have RedHat 9.0, Turbo Linux, DemoLinux, and Gentoo.
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
If you are a real beginner you might want to take a look at Mandrake (Version 10 has just been released). It has excellent hardware detection and unlike Redhat hasn't been discontinued. If you want to stick with RH stuff try the Fedora project which is a RH spin off project which contains a lot of cutting edge features.
-------------------------0 A.D.
Well, I just downloaded Slackware & Suse. I couldn't get Slackware to install for some strange reason, but I got Suse to install. I'm running it right now, while I'm typing this message.... COOL!

I also wipped out /* caugh */ WindowXP from my system. My machine is a fully blown Linux Box now, YIPPY!!! I'm goping to have tons of fun with all this cool stuff :D
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox
Quote: Original post by sakky
Well, I just downloaded Slackware & Suse. I couldn't get Slackware to install for some strange reason, but I got Suse to install. I'm running it right now, while I'm typing this message.... COOL!

I also wipped out /* caugh */ WindowXP from my system. My machine is a fully blown Linux Box now, YIPPY!!! I'm goping to have tons of fun with all this cool stuff :D

yup suse 9.1 is my favorite too and once you get 3d acceleration which is disabled by default working on it playing tux racer,unreal 2004 is the best!
p.s. the only other hardpart now too is playind dvd's which are also disabled but due to licensing issues.
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe
Okay, I've been having problems! Argh, Google is not loading up! What is wrong; I wonder!? I was logged in as root. But now, I've created my own account like a normal user.

I'm currently using it right now and I'm able to access the internet. I can't do my autoupdate. I guess I will just go and download the NVIDIA driver myself.

I've noticed that gcc isn't responding either. I types the command and got a bash error! Is root in SuSE limitted to just system settings? I have SuSE 9.1 is there alot of updates I need to get?
Take back the internet with the most awsome browser around, FireFox

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