
PHP Learning Experiance

Started by July 11, 2004 03:10 PM
2 comments, last by shade13 20 years, 7 months ago
ok, so right now im working on a php game, i am by no means a pro, and am currently learning the language. anyway, i figure, as long as its a learning experiance, might as well teach some other people, or maybe get taught. my game so far is at i own the server, and will give anyone on the team ftp access to the game folder. its best if you have Windows Messenger or some equivilent (excuse my spelling) id appreciate if those joining have one or more of the following: - A knowlege of C++ - " " " PHP - " " " any C-style language - a willingness to learn - Jake
Err, would be nice with some info about the game :)
Hmm, I looked at it. I'm afraid I don't want to join your team, I'm developing my own web game, which while it isn't as well developed as yours, will be much more advanced.

Here are some tips:

1. Validate all inputs. I discovered an easy cheat by putting negative numbers in the boxes for buying things.
2. Learn how to spell. It doesn't make people happy seeing two spelling errors on the home page.
3. Get some usability into the thing - you need to ensure that every screen has links back to the home page. The registration page should log you in automatically.
4. Consider learning CSS and putting a nice pretty style sheet on to your pages. It will keep people there much longer if they have something nice to look at.
5. Your game will probably be turn-based. Learn how to set up some kind of periodic job (cron or scheduler of some sort) on the server.

Good luck

yes, i know it looks raw and noobish, but simply put i havent really bothered with any sort of cool webpage design yet, although, it can all be accomplished with reletive ease using headers and footers. anyway, the reason for this game was to be a starting point, a place for me, and any others who care, to build a simple game, build usefull functions that can aid in the construction of a more advanced game. im not asking for a team of PHP experts to build it for me, i'm simply wondering if their is anyone else who whishes to have some experementing space with php, maybe help out a bit.

-- Jake

ps. anyone interested, email me:

[Edited by - shade13 on July 12, 2004 2:11:07 PM]

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