
sword game and animations(fits multiple forum categories)

Started by July 08, 2004 02:10 PM
5 comments, last by amedlock 20 years, 6 months ago
I am planning on making a sword and hand to hand based fighting game, with controls like fightnight2004. What kinds of attacks should there be, and what should be used to execute them? Also, if I have down slashes from any angle, how do I implement this?
I dont know fightnight2004, but I do japanese weapon fighting, so maybe I can give you some ideas.

Attacks can come from 9 directions: up-middle-lower, mixed with left-right-center.

Then, you have the choice of slash or trust. I never saw a trust to the left and right middle areas (*hips*), but I guess it can be done.

The way those attacks are done and thier effiency depends on the stance you are currently in.

For example, if you are in a Jodan-no-kamae stance, where you hold your sword high into the air and the tip backward, high slash are very quick and powerfull, but lower trusts are very slow. But in a lower-side stance like migi-gedan, lower trusts are quick-and-painful.

So... you might think of having a way to change stance, a way to choose between low, high, middle, one to choose between right-left-center, one to choose slash or trust.

Thats just my idea of a fighting game...
I think for the different directions, (assuming mouse control) you could handle by moving the mouse like you would move the sword. You make almost a gesture in the direction that you want the slash to go. If there is not enough input information to infer what type of slash the player wants, just use a random, generic slash. The advanced players will then have an advantage because they will be able to pull off faster moves by controling more the direction of their sword.. but the beginning user doesn't need to know this to enjoy some fun swordfighting action.

EDIT: For a joystick, you could use the same system as with the mouse. If the joystick moves from lower left to high right while the attack button is pressed in, then the slash should come from lower left to high right. With a keyboard, you could use a set of nine keys (perhaps the numpad) to produce this same kind of direction.
Disclaimer: "I am in no way qualified to present advice on any topic concerning anything and can not be held responsible for any damages that my advice may incurr (due to neither my negligence nor yours)"
I still don't get why people will ask

"I want to maek a gaem. What should it have?"
----------[Development Journal]
Oh, I dunno. It makes a refreshing change from "I've thought of a game. I want you to make it for me."

Changing stances would add an interesting new dimension to the game. Especially if different stances also altered your ability to block different attacks, so that you had to watch your opponent instead of just hitting the keys faster than him ...
Alternately from the comments on Japanese sword fighting:

Basic fencing actions:

The normal en-garde position is intended to protect you from attacks against the right side of your body without you having to move your arm - the sword will slide by.

Stepping forward an back are small, quick movements, as you are slightly off balance and exploitable while moving, so you want to keep their window of opportunity as small as possible.

Attacks to the left side of your of your body are parried by simply rotating your wrist. Its a very quick action. Frequently you have to step back while you do this to give yourself more time and room.

At close range, attacking is simply a matter of twisting your rist and extending your taught arm at the part of the body you wish to hit.

At longer range, you lunge. This involves swinging your left arm back and catapulting yourself forwards with your left foot. You have to "pop" forwards, explotding with taught energy, as you cover a lot of ground and it has to be quick, and then you stop hard on your right foot. Burst first, extend second so you can pick your target at the last second.

At very long range, you step-lunge, which is a lunge with a skip at the beginning. You build up a lot of speed in that movement, so you stop hard.

Last but not least, you can beat teh enemy blade aside, but you can disengage from that attack by droppign your blade briefly and thus the opponent has their sword in an inconvenient place after missing.
-- Single player is masturbation.
Also, typical fencing weapons allow for parries and not blocks when facing larger weapons. The weapon will break.

On the other hand it is much quicker than say, a claymore which is intended to attack a man on horseback.

PS. Bruce Lee said fencing was closest in spirit to the style he developed(Jeet Kune Do).

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