
A forum-based RPG (some help, please)

Started by July 08, 2004 09:37 AM
14 comments, last by Logodae 20 years, 6 months ago
I've sort of combined my Role-playing abilities with my writing and quickly threw together in hopes to create a sort of play-by-post RPG, similar to PBeMs only everything will be within the boards. I'd like some ideas on how to make this a fun, playable game. I know the content really jurisdicts that, but as far as the rules go, some help would be nice. Here's an example of how players can create a character: CLick here So any ideas or critique on the system would be nice. The game started a long time ago, I just took out the posts I had to recreate the rules system. Thanks! [Edited by - Dwarf with Axe on July 8, 2004 10:37:04 AM]
----------[Development Journal]
I realize this can be a fairly boring topic, but seriously, I'm tired of trying to work with people seriously asking me the syntax to GL_GetMMORPGEngine(). It's annoying. I love to write, and I've done this before, this is just my own example of it.

I think it's a fairly good idea the way I have it set up with the classes, traits, and your avatar badge. Any thoughts?
----------[Development Journal]
Well it's hard to know how you want it to play since there really isn't many posts up...

But anyways, here is a thread I started once upon a time but I never got around to really starting the adventure. Basically it was meant to be a forum rpg in a single thread where people could create a character and ... well I don't really remember, you're better off reading!

------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
Original post by Dwarf with Axe
I realize this can be a fairly boring topic, but seriously, I'm tired of trying to work with people seriously asking me the syntax to GL_GetMMORPGEngine(). It's annoying.

I am so going to use that one. Although another favorite of mine is when someone asks how to:

Dim [New] Game as Counterstrike

in VB :)
That is a very good point.

I'm trying to get a system set up where there are global users (anyone who signs up for a name) and then are are people actually playing the games. The games are called 'Books of Aurelia', which are basically just their own forums with the users playing belonging to a game-specific usergroup (meaning that only a certain group of people will play in a game. This will ensure that no stray players randomly show up and start posting, and will also ensure that the moderator of the game (who is essentially someone who can keep the plot alive and well if it starts to get boring) can moderate who plays and who doesn't.

The game is similar to a PBeM in that each post represents a little bit of each day from your character's perspective.

Here is an example post.

There's the header, which displays 1) what game you are in, 2)What locale (or city or town) and where in the vicinity you are, 3)Your character's name, and 4) what time it is (24-hr time). Then at the end you have three things.

The (reply ...) is for, well, replies. You can have an npc named Bob and your character could've asked a question, said something, done something, anything, and you want someone else to fill in what Bob does. Well, you'd type (reply Bob). If you want anyone to reply, then (reply any). Or maybe you just want a certain individual reply, or a group to reply, or certain people and anyone else to reply, well there's (reply Steve), or (reply Steve, Bob), or even (reply Steve, any) and (reply Steve, Bob, any).

Then the (posted by ...). This is just a little thing where you get to say you wrote it. I would put (posted by Jesse). It's not hard.

And the (NOTES: ... ) is for anything someone might be confused about while reading your post, or any suggestions on what might happen or what-not.

And the way the storyline is created is, well, creativity. Every post from each character's point of view should add just that much more to the plot.

That help a little? =)
----------[Development Journal]
I've spent a good 9 years of my life (as a teenager) dedicating myself to learning all the ins and outs of freeform online roleplaying games, although mostly in the chatroom setting. I've tried forum games a few times, but they didn't work as well for me... that was likely the players though.

At any rate, I've written an article or two on the subject, and plan to write more. You can find them at

See if that jogs any thoughts from you. Unfortunately, I can't play the game myself anymore, for two reasons: 1, I can't find many people who play at my caliber anymore, and 2, I can now see the background meta-game going on, can see the optimal strategy to win, but can't find anyone that'll play to win in such a manner. *sigh*

Basically, freeform writting games like this are strategy games with the competition for limited resources: the attention (and possibly admiration, but mostly attention) of the other players. You have a limited amount of attention to give, but unlimited capacity to receive. In the natural state, most people only give attention to those who first give attention to them. Most people also tend to model their strategy after what they've seen in books and movies... main characters recieve loads of attention from the audience, so players create "Main Characters". The problem is, main characters are good at recieving attention, and suck at giving it. Main characters need secondary characters to survive. Secondary characters are good at giving attention, and bad at receiving attention.

Optimal strategies would call for an equal amount of giving and recieving of attention, but this balanced state almost never happens. One side or the other will almost always recieve more and give less, and this state is a slippery slope that tends to continue to be more and more unbalanced as the game continues, until one player is giving all the attention, recieving basically none, and since the object of the game is to recieve attention (preferably longterm) the losing player will quit (with or without psychodrama) or at the very least, find someone else to play with, leaving the main character high and dry.

Games like this involve heavy emotional investment, and are really VERY tricky to maintain long term in order to receive a substantial return on investment. It's too painful for me to play anymore.

Anyway. Enough rambling.
I had an idea for an RPG & forumish site at one time. Think of all the people that sit and read forums all day, that is a HUGE untapped gaming market.

The system requirements for a game like this would be REALLY low, almost anyone that can view a modern webpage would be able to play it. I have seen some RPG forums, but they focus on the role playing. There weren't any mechanics/rules/system running the forum, just moderators.
-- master_ball --------------------------------student seeking future game dev career, advice welcome
Okay, here's another question.

As I'm working on this game I was thinking of having this a little more table-topish in that you can have a dice-roller involved, but I'm not sure if this wouldn't make it too boring.

Something like this:

Player 1 would post
(insert long thing here, then)...and decides to hit the man. [roll 1d20]

Then, when he posts, the [roll 1d20] will be replaced with a random number between 1 and 20.

So, the post will read, after actually posted,

(insert long thing here, then)...and decides to hit the man. Rolled 1d20: (8)

Then, the next poster would post according to the dice roll. If it was high, then the success would be proportional to how high above 10 (the middle) the roll was. In the case of the example post, the random number resulted in an eight, so the success would be just under satisfactory (assuming a satisfactory success would be a result of 10).

Does any of that make sense?

----------[Development Journal]
I'd add descriptive labels to the numerical values, or replace 'em altogether. Not everyone plays d20, or dice-based games at all. You may as well abstract it. I.E., "[attempt], (Marginal failure)," not "[roll 1d20], (8)." And if you can, set them off in a way that will be impossible for the users to fake. Otherwise you'll be seeing an awful lot of 20's -- I mean, "outstanding successes." ;)
"Sweet, peaceful eyelash spiders! Live in love by the ocean of my eyes!" - Jennifer Diane Reitz
Why you need to have dice rolls at all?

I played for years in a RPG round and was gamemaster for myself like half the time. We had several adventures without using any dice at all.

Having a gamemaster you have the one who can decide about the outcome of your actions even without rolling a dice (while he is just deciding how to keep the story rolling), or even roleplay without any master at all, keeping the roleplay between the players.

Have detective-type adventures you don't need to roll, the gamemaster just tells you the outcome of your action.
Have social-type adventures you can even keep the "adventure" between the players. as long they don't try to beat up each other you don't need a dice, neither.
-----The scheduled downtime is omitted cause of technical problems.

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