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16 bit images in directx

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6 comments, last by GameDev.net 24 years, 7 months ago
In 16 bit,it have 565 and 555 mode.So maybe no one use 16 bit images.You can convert
8/24/32 bit images to 16 bit surface in DX.
Check the DDUTIL.CPP in your DirectX SDK.
The DDLoadBMP function can do this.
Dark Worl is right.

You will have a very hard time finding a program that saves images in 16 bit mode. The sollution most of us take, I suspect, is saving images in 24 bit colour and dropping the least significant bits when loading. I hate the way this looks on some images because it introduces banding in gradiants. I just make a special effort to do my art very very carefully.

Hello. You can create surfaces on system memory rather than video memory. I think this is how you would do it:
When you are setting up your DDSURFACEDESC structure, and you are putting in the ddsCaps flags, you can plug in the DDSCAPS_SYSTEMMEMORY flag.
Look up DDSCAPS and DDSURFACEDESC in the DirectX SDK documentation for more information.
Hope this helps,
Another Suggestion:
You could use Targas. You can save those in 16bit color mode and they're simple to load. Plus, just about every art package (excluding Windows Paint :p) supports them.


I usually store my images on disk as 24 or 32-bit, then convert them to whatever my texture format is at load time.

If I need to save space, I use DXTn compression (4-bits per pixel) if it doesn't degrade the image too much (usually not) and decompress at load-time, if necessary.

to load a bitmap (of any format) onto a surface (of any pixel format):

1-Create a compatible system DC with CreateCompatibleDC
2-Load the bitmap with LoadImage
3-Select the bitmap into the system dc
4-Create the surface with the proper dimensions
5-Get the DC of the surface with GetDC
6-BitBlt from the system dc onto the surfaces dc
7-release the surface dc, reselect into the system dc the old image, destroy the bitmap, and destroy the system dc

//the codeHDC sysdc=CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);HBITMAP hbmnew=LoadImage(NULL,"Bitmap1.bmp",IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADFROMFILE);HBITMAP hbmold=(HBITMAP)SelectObject(sysdc,hbmnew);BITMAP bmp;GetObject(hbmnew,sizeof(BITMAP),(LPVOID)&bmp);DDSURFACEDESC ddsd;memset(&ddsd,0,sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC));ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(DDSURFACEDESC);ddsd.dwFlags=DDSD_WIDTH | DDSD_HEIGHT | DDSD_CAPS;ddsd.dwWidth=bmp.bmWidth;ddsd.dwHeight=bmp.bmHeight;ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps=DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN;LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpdds;lpdd->CreateSurface(&ddsd,&lpdds,NULL);HDC surfdc;lpdds->GetDC(&surfdc);BitBlt(surfdc,0,0,bmp.bmWidth,bmp.bmHeight,sysdc,0,0,SRCCOPY);lpdds->ReleaseDC(surfdc);SelectObject(sysdc,hbmold);DeleteObject(hbmnew);DeleteDC(sysdc);

Get off my lawn!

Hello, having just started in DirectX I have got some functions to load bitmaps. The only problem is that I am using 800 x 600 x 16bit and the images are 24 bit.

None of the programs i have (neither Photoshop or paint shop pro) allow images to be 16 bit.

Of course, I could go up to 24 bit in the game - but my video card doesn't have enough onboard memory , or go down to 640x480 - which isn't a desirable option...

Anyone know of an art package that lets you use 16 bit? Or a way or creating a surface (i think) that isn't on the video card memory? (i have 64 meg ram but only 2 meg graphics card...)

I know this message probably should have gone in the Art section, but it seems that not many people frequent that board.

Thanks all,

Shifty Bastard

I've got a related question - I have written an image loader to load 8-bit PCX files into 16 bit DirectDraw surfaces for use under Direct3D as textures. My decompression uses 565 format, but I don't know whether this will be supported by all cards. If I support 555 and 565, would that ensure compatibility for most of the major accererators?

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