
what kind of distro doesn't come with the linux kernel source?

Started by June 27, 2004 12:06 AM
20 comments, last by daviangel 20 years, 3 months ago
Quote: Original post by Cipher3D
i've gotten autoconf, automake, make, gcc...

If you've gotten all that, you're probably good to go.
You'll find out what you are missing at the worst moment, when you build fail. :p
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Quote: Original post by Cipher3D
okey dokey i found a site with all the binaries...except which tools do i need? I just need a core development package...

i've gotten autoconf, automake, make, gcc...

ok I refer to my previous post and it's link so you don't have to install suse 21+ times like this guy:
"This guide assumes that you are a beginner like me (I use beginner cause the word newbie is degrading) . I stumble upon these things by trial and error and I have loaded Suse 9.1 over 21 times. Till now I still can't get it to recognize my externel HD and allow 3D to my ATI 9800 Pro. Oh well, till then I am still a slave to M$ WinHole."- make and gcc: Go to YaST -> Install & Remove Software -> Selections (drop down menu) -> Check C/C++ Development.
- X Libraries: You need the XFree86-devel libraries, go to YaST -> Install & Remove Software -> Search for "devel" -> Check XFree86-devel libs.
- QT libraries: Not the usual QT libraries but the development ones, go to YaST -> Install & Remove Software -> Search for "devel" -> Check QT devel libs.
- KDE Libraries: You are going to need the KDEbase3-devel libs, go to YaST -> Install & Remove Software -> Search for "devel" -> Check KDEbase3-devel libs."
[size="2"]Don't talk about writing games, don't write design docs, don't spend your time on web boards. Sit in your house write 20 games when you complete them you will either want to do it the rest of your life or not * Andre Lamothe

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