

Started by June 23, 2004 07:36 PM
2 comments, last by metal leper 20 years, 3 months ago
Transgaming redid their site (personally I liked the old one better) and now there's no mention of a CVS server. Did they get rid of that? Do you have to subscribe to get WineX at all now?
I like the DARK layout!
You should still be able to go here: click (that's the page that I got sent to when downloading the new version, and it still says that only subscribers can download the prepackaged versions... implying that anyone can still get the cvs version)

Of course, it's called cedega now...

How do you get to that page from the front page? Either I'm blind/stupid or they've done a great job hiding it so that people who don't already know won't know it's free (mostly).
I like the DARK layout!
I didn't - I had to log in first (I couldn't find it until I did that either)

You might be interested in this, Gavriel State, WineX-Devel- List:

As usual, not everything contained in the binary Cedega packages will be
available via CVS. While a good chunk of Cedega is already available in
the public CVS repository HEAD branch, we moved to a fullly internal
development tree a some weeks before the release to speed up our development

When we catch our breath from the release, we'll begin merging back to
the public tree, but again, not everything will be available there.

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