
How useful were the articles?

Started by September 11, 2000 12:05 PM
11 comments, last by Dino 24 years, 5 months ago
I''m trying to get my new site up and was wonder: Which of my articles did you learn from the most? I''m going to put them back up and revise them, but I have to go find them since went down without me even knowing. Give me some feedback. Which ones need to be clearified more, or simple dropped. What would you like to see more information on? Tell me and I''ll try and get them written ASAP. Thanks. Dino M. Gambone Dino M. Gambone
Good judgement is gained through experience. Experience, however, is gained through bad judgement.

Dino M. Gambone
Good judgment is gained through experience. Experience, however, is gained through bad judgment.

Currently working on Rise of Praxis MUD:

I never got to see any of your articles. Is there anywhere I can view them now?
All your articles posted here at GameDev are great.
I haven''t read any other articles of yours.


Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
I know there are some links at GameDev, Isometrix (, and 6444 Game Programming (

The new home for the articles will be at, but in the middle of moving them now. I just need to collect all the files that they use and copy them to that web site.

Dino M. Gambone
Good judgement is gained through experience. Experience, however, is gained through bad judgement.

Dino M. Gambone
Good judgment is gained through experience. Experience, however, is gained through bad judgment.

Currently working on Rise of Praxis MUD:

Damn, I remember that I liked your tutorials, but I''ve read so many tutorials in the last months that my memory is not that clear about yours I''m going to gather them again and post my opinion about them. Just hold on

Since I''m trying to implement a isometric engine (possibly rendered with OpenGL-don''t get me wrong, it''s still 2d, but with some nice features) I''d gladly give you some suggestions based on the problems I''m having.

It would be cool if you put them all in your site, no matter how out of date you might think they are

Gaiomard Dragon

Gaiomard Dragon-===(UDIC)===-
I think your articles were pretty cool. However, from my own research on the ''net I have found some things to be lacking in the ''iso'' community. I haven''t found a good tutorial on isometric artwork. For instance, how to make a tile that will seamlessly tile with itself artistically, not just in size and shape. Also, I haven''t found a good treatment of tilesets. In one of your articles you cover a file format, and that''s great, however I would like reference material on how to create the actual tileset graphics, such as a coastline. What tools are people to using to create tiles for their terrains? What shapes of coastline should I have, how do you build the coast at run-time in your editor etc... I can use a modeller to create buildings, but when it comes to the terrain stuff I am just NOT an artist at all. If you know of someplace that has this kind of info, please email me or post a link.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I have probably ticked people off in disagreement in some other posts, but I still appreciate them sharing too

just put all. it''ll be great..
Once I get the old articles, I''m going to update them. The Rendering Order List article will be done in a few days once I get time to just sit down and write it up.

Outworlder: you got any of those suggestions?

Fingh: I would guess that the reason why you can''t find many articles on tile artwork is that most programmers don''t bother with artwork and just have someone who has the skills to draw them tiles.

Dino M. Gambone
Good judgement is gained through experience. Experience, however, is gained through bad judgement.

Dino M. Gambone
Good judgment is gained through experience. Experience, however, is gained through bad judgment.

Currently working on Rise of Praxis MUD:

how do you build the coast at run-time in your editor etc...

This is something I''d like more info on. What sort of systems does everyone use for dynamically editing terrain in an editor? I know games like Red Alert make you put each piece in separately in the editor which is awful. The StarCraft one is not bad in that respect if I remember correctly, but nothing particularly inspired - it''s a fairly simple system from what I can see. Anyone been doing research into it?



I would like to see a detailed dicussion of finding the best tile a point is in with regards to a 3d terrain. ie elevation of various squares .. or does mousemaps already do that?

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