blending problem
i know it's dumb but basically it doesn't do anything there now, im just changing a lot now to get it working so that thing was left there...
Yeah, even with no texture, you should see the color you have blended. I definitely think you have a Depth problem, try messing with the glDepthFunc to get it to work right.
i tried them all, no difference at all, wether it was drawn or not, but always that sky in there, i changed the brush in the editor, made it a bit lower so you can actually "crouch" under it. The weird thing is, when you are standing under the water, the other part of the map is removed and the skybox is drawn on the top water surface. this is damn weird..
What happens if you draw the blended quad in immediate mode instead of using vertex arrays?
I tried to draw something else at the position with the blending, the same crap will happen.
Hmmm, I was wondering if there was a problem with your vertex arrays. I guess it's still possible that's the problem. Try sticking a glFinish call in and then rendering the blended quad in immediate mode. It's a long shot, but it might identify the problem if it is your vertex arrays. Failing that is there any way you can reduce the problem to a reduced/minimal test case and post the source (or link to zip of source)?
hehe this problem is in my engine i kinda have to give away about 15.000 lines of code to compile it :/. Also as I already tried it in immediate mode i don't think it is because of the vertex arrays but again it still could be possible. It's very hard to try since the vertex information is saved as a vertex array in the bsp.
ahhah i solved it with the good help of a friend! He told me again that i have to render the FULL vertices before I draw the water again, i thought i was doing that but i wasn't in fact. Now it works like a charm and i'm able to create my water effect now! :)
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