
Ahhh... a kindler, gentler psychopath...

Started by September 08, 2000 01:50 AM
19 comments, last by Wavinator 24 years, 5 months ago
Original post by Wavinator
Yes, scavenging is cool. (Could make a game very Mad Max like ) I think the Mechcommander game used this. It''s a fun mechanic, because you''re rewarding for fighting well without destroying your enemy too badly. I like it!

Actually i was working on an rts that worked entirely on this princple. Everyone started off with X amount of material and no more could be gained by mining etc. So there was no resource collection. He who won was the one who could take the resources off the other player in the battle (scavaging) and being more effiecent. It got deeper than that but i won''t go into it Maybe one day it''ll get done as i havn''t lost the game doc''s for it.

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