
ASE files in Studio Max

Started by September 07, 2000 09:20 AM
0 comments, last by Grasshopper 24 years, 4 months ago
Does anyone know where i can find a discription of the ase file format in 3D Studio Max? How do I find out what material to draw on what face. I find that some times the material ids are incorect. Sometime they will be 3 or 4 when there''s only one material. What are they refering to?
I beleve ASE is supposed to be simply a ASCII version of the MAX format. Id suggest asking on the discreet support messageboards for detailed information (

As for the material ids. In max primitives are usually assigned more then one material id automaticly to easily distinguis for example the different sides of a box, the caps on a cylinder etc. Max simply rotates among the availble submaterials in the assigned material...if there is only one (which is true for most materials) then all material ids will use sub material 1. As primitives are often used as a base to start a model as well as when trying to figure out a new format i guess...chances are this is why your getting more then one sub material.


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