quote: But this really applies to the Linux community, since the geek percentage is way bigger than for example the Windows so,,umity (if there is such a thing). Most people running Linux know how to compile stuff.
Just because you make it in Linux doesn''t mean you can''t distribute it to the general public as a Windows executable! One of the things Linux does best is porting!
But you have a point, comparing gaming to Linux distrubutions is unfair. But I''m just throwing out ideas here. Which ones you take is entirely up to you. And copy-protection is harder (impossible in the geek world) if you decide to open-source everything. Which is why I don''t really recommend it, unless you''re not shooting for $$.
I like Godfree^''s suggestions. They''re practical for both sides of the issue.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away" --Henry David Thoreau