
NeHe Chat Room

Started by September 03, 2000 01:17 PM
6 comments, last by StephenNitro 24 years, 2 months ago
Just a thought, how about we try and arrange a chat room on mIRC for the NeHe productions, then when any one is stuck go to the chat room and see if any one there can help
Great idea... I was thinking about a private server or maybe efnet..since thats a popular one...
What would the room name be? #opengl or #nehe or #jeff ???
I''d go with #opengl as the name because people will get it more

Black Hole Productions
||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
Probably better off sticking with #opengl or #flipcode on Efnet. They`re always full of very knowlegable people!
I like the idea, the board will of course always the center of information. But the idea of asking newbishly questions live is very appealing.
--------------------Moo, that’s right, moo!
I think that there migh already be one called opengl, does this matter? Anyway, I think one called NeHe would be better, He already has enough followers, just look at his counter, over 650,000 visitors!

Owen Choice
E Interactive
The reason Santa is so jolly is becuase he knows where all the bad girls live
yeh.. i''d got the name NeHe..
So how do we go about getting one up and running
fine... but how do you expect me to get thru PROXY with IRC software ... my port is only 80...

{blush}... well, I''m flattered guys, but in all honestly, the #opengl channel is a great channel, lots of excellent people there.

Perhaps once I have some more free time (not for awhile) I''ll create an ICQ forum so we can all chat amongst eachother. Or I''ll try to add an irc chat on my site... too busy at the moment though

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