
REASON and midi input

Started by June 12, 2004 01:14 PM
5 comments, last by oxmix 20 years, 7 months ago
new here, and read a few posts about Reason and finally know I can input and record to track, whew! But How? Took the whole cd tutorial, got very familiar with the app and and even composed pruduced and mixed a song, but for the life of me, hours reading the manual and searching the help files got me no where. Was happy with the interface Reason offers and all the things that you can do with it, however, on the non-technical side, for the creative aspect, I need to Have a way to input a keyboard - ~~>damned if I can figure out how to...... so I would appreciate some help here, I guess it is so simple that they don''t mention it, hmmm or its staring me right in the face! TIA
FWIW trial and error prevailed./ after I found the preferrence configuration, set all midi setings to my midy soundcard defaults, then.........

0ne cable, 4 posible connections, last one worked lol,

~~> Post titled:
"This Plebecite Aint Worthy Of A Response"
or "Wrong Forum Lamer"

OK, let's try this again (forum lost my other post, go figure)

basic MIDI recording:

Start reason
Edit menu
select prefrences
page: MIDI
select MIDI in device and channel as per your hardware
Create device to test with
Look at the track view, the device should have a small "MIDI" icon next to it by default. Otherwise click to the blank space to the left of the device name.
You can now record MIDI with the record button, onto this track.

Also, you can right click on different things and map them to MIDI controls and notes by selecting "Edit MIDI remote mapping".

Finally, to "play" a device using a MIDI instrument (or other source):
Edit menu
Page: Advanced MIDI
Select bus A to your MIDI device
go back to reason
Go to the top, in the hardware interface
select Bus A
Press the down arrow next to the channel your instrument uses (probably 1)
Select the Reason device that you want to map that instrument to.

The Reason manual (probably the manual that comes on disk, not the hard copy) contains listings of what the different controls do to different Reason devices.

Hope that helps :)
thanks for the "input" :) especially the mapping info and adv midi, A light bulb went on when I read this :) anyway, I appreciate your reponse, as you see you were the only one..

My only problem now is how to hook up a mic to record voice!

[Bloody hell. Forum ate my reply again!]

Anyway, no problem mate.

The "real" way to do audio in Reason is to use some kind of rewire compatable software. There are a few out there. Cakewalk is one place you could try.

The other way is to just record it in Sound Recorder and import it back into reason in some hackish way (NN-XT is probably your best bet).
Interesting you should say that, Proppelerhead Rewire might come in handy...
from there website:
What is ReWire?
ReWire is a system for transferring audio data between two computer applications, in real time. Basically, you could view ReWire as an "invisible cable" that streams audio from one computer program into another.

ReWire was developed by Propellerhead Software AB in 1998 and first appeared in Propellerheads' ReBirth RB-338 and Steinberg Soft- & Hardware's Cubase VST, allowing the two programs to communicate in a way that hadn't been possible before. Since then, a version 2 of ReWire has been released, with several significant improvements and additions. Today, a number of software applications from different manufacturers support ReWire.

I have heard you can aslo acomplish vocals to track with two sound cards, do you know how this works>?

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