1. Did program ran from the beginning ?(yes/no)
2. Did program ran till the end ?(yes/no)
3. If program ran correctly , post FPS results for each of 4 tests
First Test:
FPS: 921
Second Test:
FPS: 1123
Third Test:
FPS: 1125
third Test #2:
FPS: 1152
4. Post your system specs (OS,CPU,RAM,VIDEO card,video driver version).
WinXP Pro
3.2 Ghz PIV
512 ram
Radion 9800 Pro
catalyst 4.6 driver
[edited by - Mulligan on June 12, 2004 3:17:14 PM]
Untracable bugz
AthlonXP 1800+
TNT II - detonators ** - don''t know for shure - downloaded them last month
AthlonXP 1800+
TNT II - detonators ** - don''t know for shure - downloaded them last month
Red Drake
Ok thank''s for replyes , it seems i have problem with displaying text after these tests.
Here is how it is working
mode =
0 - textured
1 - textured + blur
2 - wireframe
3 - wireframe + fog
-1 - end screen ( showing results )
Here is code for glPrintFixed
it''s a bit modified code from Nehe tutorial
I don''t have a clue yet what could be the problem .
Here is how it is working
mode =
0 - textured
1 - textured + blur
2 - wireframe
3 - wireframe + fog
-1 - end screen ( showing results )
if(mode >= 0) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);// Select The Modelview Matrix glLoadIdentity(); // translating to correct position glRotatef(beta,1,0,0); glRotatef(alpha,0.0f,1,0); glTranslatef(xpos,ypos,zpos); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,tobject.textures[lobject.stexture]); //lobject.DrawV(); lobject.DrawList(); } else // now displaying results { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // Clear The Screen And The Depth Buffer glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);// Select The Modelview Matrix glLoadIdentity(); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,0.035f,"First test (normal) results :"); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,0.030f,"time - %f , frames - %d ",test1time,test1frames); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,0.025f,"FPS - %f",(float)(test1frames / test1time)* 1000); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,0.015f,"Second test (blur) results :"); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,0.010f,"time - %f , frames - %d ",test2time,test2frames); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,0.005f,"FPS - %f",(float)(test2frames / test2time)* 1000); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.005f,"Third test (wireframe) results :"); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.010f,"time - %f , frames - %d ",test3time,test3frames); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.015f,"FPS - %f",(float)(test3frames / test3time)* 1000); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.025f,"Third test (wireframe + fog) results :"); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.030f,"time - %f , frames - %d ",test4time,test4frames); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.035f,"FPS - %f",(float)(test4frames / test4time)* 1000); glPrintfixed(-0.05f,-0.040f,"Press r to restart. Total number of poly - %d",lobject.RetPolyNum()); }
Here is code for glPrintFixed
it''s a bit modified code from Nehe tutorial
GLvoid glPrintfixed(GLfloat x,GLfloat y,const char *fmt, ...){ char text[256];// Holds Our String va_list ap;// Pointer To List Of Arguments if (fmt == NULL)// If There''s No Text return;// Do Nothing va_start(ap, fmt);// Parses The String For Variables vsprintf(text, fmt, ap);// And Converts Symbols To Actual Numbers va_end(ap);// Results Are Stored In Text glLoadIdentity(); glTranslatef(0,0,-0.1f); glRasterPos2f(x,y); glPrint(text);}GLvoid glPrint(const char *text)// Custom GL "Print" Routine{ glPushAttrib(GL_LIST_BIT);// Pushes The Display List Bits( NEW ) glListBase(fontid - 32);// Sets The Base Character to 32( NEW ) glCallLists(strlen(text), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,text);// Draws The Display List Text( NEW ) glPopAttrib();// Pops The Display List Bits( NEW )}
I don''t have a clue yet what could be the problem .
Use a debugger. If using Visual C(++)... pause once it hangs, and look up where it is at that point.
If on Linux or the like, check out gdb (on gnu.org). You''ll want to run the program, pause it, and then run a "backtrace" (command: bt) which lists the function the program is in, and the function it was called from, and the function that called it, and so forth. This will help you track down the problem.
If on Linux or the like, check out gdb (on gnu.org). You''ll want to run the program, pause it, and then run a "backtrace" (command: bt) which lists the function the program is in, and the function it was called from, and the function that called it, and so forth. This will help you track down the problem.
quote: Original post by MaulingMonkey
Use a debugger. If using Visual C(++)... pause once it hangs, and look up where it is at that point.
If on Linux or the like, check out gdb (on gnu.org). You''ll want to run the program, pause it, and then run a "backtrace" (command: bt) which lists the function the program is in, and the function it was called from, and the function that called it, and so forth. This will help you track down the problem.
I know how to debug these problems , the problem is that on my PC i don''t have any problems but , on other PC''s there are some problems i can''t run debugger there
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