
Please listen to my music

Started by August 18, 2000 03:14 AM
10 comments, last by Fantasy Edge 24 years, 3 months ago
I would much apreciate anyone who listens to this music of an rpg im working on. please give me your feedback. Incidently, if you are not useing a SYXG midi driver these are gonna suck really bad ass. Why does my life have to be so hard in every world?
Sounds like someone went on a keyboard and just randomly banged keys.
I listened to your music. I would have to say that you have some good ideas in there. I would say that "Battle Theme" was my favorite.

I would suggest that you try some other techniques in your composition. All of the songs started sounding the same because they all seemed to start with the alternating notes in the chord then adding other parts.

Just as a suggestion, cut out a sample of the songs for someone to listen to. For example, "Battle Theme" was over 5 minutes long and most people won''t have the patients to listen that long. I would put both a sample and the full song up so there would be a choice there.

I would suggest that you keep composing, trying a variety of styles. You seem to be on the right track so keep at it.

BTW, ignore comments like it sounds like randomness.
try using themes. I see there are little stories behind each one, but they don''t seem to be incorperated much into the peices. nice web page by the way. choosing some chord progressions and working out a song off of them is a good way to start. I have some peices like that on my page. well, two so far, I''m kinda in progress of a third.
My HomepageSome shoot to kill, others shoot to mame. I say clear the chamber and let the lord decide. - Reno 911
I kinda like ''em myself. Not really my taste but done well enough.

Zero Static Music
I listened to your song and I think I''ve heard it somewhere before... Oh yeah, I heard it late at night when my cat was walking over the piano.
I''d like to hear the "anonymous poster''s" musical talents. Oops,he''s too much of a coward to use his real name.....


zero static music

i have mad musical talents.
i tried to listen to your songs LJG, but when i downloaded the mp3 all i heard was something that sounded like a retarded janitor banging his head on the floor. is there an alternate download or something? maybe the file was corrupted when i downloaded it... hmm...
This was funny. No my music isnt really the best shit ever but hey. someone shoot that guy will you. Here is the jist. I am an artist with a perpetual humming problem. Its always somthing random so i got midisoft to make some of my idea. well!! I had NO knowllege of music when those were made so I accept all the criticism (with the exception ofannoymous poster, i mean wtf)with open arms. music isnt my thing but Im looking into the arena to decide what i do better music or art. Im just leveling the playing feild a little by writing lots to put the two skills on the same level or close to it.
In any event. I still am not a music guru. i still cant read it so if anyone can be HELPFUL, please send me an e-mail.

"Why does my life have to be so hard in every world?"

Nanami Jinii
I''ve got some advice on learning to become a good composer. I''m not saying I''m the best composer in the world or anything. I just think the best way to become a good composer is to read up on music theory, and to try sequencingmusic off CD''s and games.

-Forcaswriteln("Does this actually work?");

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