
VBO's question

Started by June 01, 2004 11:45 AM
3 comments, last by arikMag 20 years, 6 months ago
hi, I finally have a real question. I''m using the program of reading 3ds file from the site of gametutorials (if someone familier with this program). so the method of the program is : saving array of faces - each face include three indexes(and not verticies) to another array of verticies (which contain only diffrent verticies - no tow verticies are the same - this way is saving place because there are alot of vertices which identical in the object). I read alittle about the tutorial of using VBO''s (vertex buffer). I really sure that the only way to use it is to make array of cordinates/verticies which include real values of place and not index as it is now. so what can I do without changing the 3ds reader program. thanks.
What you need is :
a) Load a model in memory
b) loop trough all of your vert. indexes and fill the buffer with them (vertices)
c) Delete the model''s memory
Red Drake
so what you say that it''s useless to do it in the first place, right?
Is it better not to use object class at all and just load what I read from the file strieght to the VBO''s?
Sory about the delay I hawe totaly forgot that I posted to you
Yes you are right it''s usles to use class if you want to make a Vertex buffer if your model (data) is static.
If your model uses animation i think you shoud Implement a class.
Buth i think this is not the best way to rendedr your vertices .
I don''t know for shure buth i think you can remake your vertex buffer to become Index buffer. I read about this before buth i remember it preaty blury so I can''t tell for shure.
Go google : "OpenGL Index buffers" or somthing like this

Hope this helps some
Red Drake

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