Original post by Dakar
Just a short question: If people know you have technology, but don''t know what it is, can you blackmail ships into joining your fleet, saying that you can obliterate them with your tech if they don''t?
I''ve got to think about this one. Maybe there''s a simple, foolproof way of proving that you have it, so that this doesn''t become a big production (like you having to blow up a planet or something to prove you''ve got a deathstar... whatever).
I''ve got a variable called Threat Value which has a Current and Total rating. If there was an ironclad way of proving you had a tech, it would raise your Total Threat Value, but not your Current unless you carried it around.
If you tried to blackmail ships into joining you that could squash you like a bug, they''d do so I''d think. It would probably only work if you had the power with you that you could threaten.
It''s sort of like telling a mobster that you have a bomb... but it''s back at home.
This should probably be based on some notion of reputation, too. If you have a high current threat value and a horrible rep, people know you mean business, and they''ll either fight or comply (or maybe even pretend to comply).
Also, I can imagine rumors of a certain artifact going around, and people will form a cult about it. Then, grabbing it could get the cult to follow you...
Hey, I like that idea. So it''s yet another angle of tech, say Religious Artifacts that cause people to behave a certain way. If you destroy it, you could raise their ire; if you were able to blame destruction on someone else, you could start a war.
It doesn''t necessarily follow, though, that just grabbing it makes them follow you, anymore than if I grabbed the Pope''s clothes. So maybe you have to be both a member of the cult (which would be a faction) and grab the symbol of power?
Just waiting for the mothership...