
melting aluminum

Started by May 23, 2004 01:53 AM
27 comments, last by Bacterius 12 years, 10 months ago
First of all let me say that cast aluminum isn't the best thing to be hitting on. It sounds like your on a budget so I'll keep this as cheep as possible which means it's not going to be the best way.

First off you can melt aluminum over a regular wood/charcoal fire so that should be easy enough. Next you will need a container or what is called a crucible. A metal pot, pan, cup, or bowl will work for you. You don't want your crucible to be too wide though. So if your only melting 1 can I would cut it into pieces and get a metal cup or small bowl.

Molten Metal     ||    |     |-----|    V     ||  |~~~|   |  BAD|::::::::::|...|     ||     ||~~~~~|  GOOD|:::::|

Next you will need some flux to keep the oxygen from getting to the molten metal and to help get all the shit out of the metal. You can use 20 muel team borax for this. Don't use the hand soap called boraxo it's not the same stuff. You will also need a metal spoon.

It's all pretty simple from here on out. Start a fire. Put your cup on it. Put the metal in. Add some flux(not too much). Let it melt and use the spoon to scrape off the shit on top. If you have a mold pour the metal into it.


[edited by - drunkenbastard on May 23, 2004 4:20:07 PM]

[edited by - drunkenbastard on May 23, 2004 4:20:23 PM]
Original post by nate0326
Yes, drop by the fire department and pick up their brochure on making flame throwers.

You''d be suprised. In some areas, people need to start fires on their land all the time, to clear brush for example. The FD in such areas really is a source for information on how to do things like that safely.
i once made a sword out of a 2.5m long steel pipe, hammering it down, filling the center with lead, sharpening the edges.
I carved tolkein runes all over it and dropped it in the georga straight, the tip was heviar than the rest, so i think it is stabed tip down at the bottem of the straight.
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what about a REALLY BIG fresnel lens??
Original post by Baloogan
i once made a sword out of a 2.5m long steel pipe, hammering it down, filling the center with lead, sharpening the edges.
I carved tolkein runes all over it and dropped it in the georga straight, the tip was heviar than the rest, so i think it is stabed tip down at the bottem of the straight.

That wasn''t a sword.

Original post by Peon
Yes, drop by the fire department and pick up their brochure on making flame throwers.

lol That would be an extremely smart thing to do. Hey, let''g all go see what info they have for us. Seriously though, do not use aluminum cans. Just google for how to make one

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not even the hydrogen grenade I set off in my bedroom was as dumb as this. potato cannon, not as dumb. Shooting homemade arrows with a homemade bow at the cats, not as dumb (it was pretty good, about a 75lb pull, would launch arrows upto about 100 yards). Shooting my friends square in the back of the neck with an airsoft pistol (and recieving back in kind), not as dumb.


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Original post by DrunkenBastard
Next you will need a container or what is called a crucible. A metal pot, pan, cup, or bowl will work for you.

what our good friend DrunkenBastard failed to mention, and something I feel certain amish1234 would be dumb enough to overlook, you crucible should not be made out of a metal that melts at a lower temperature than the alluminium.

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[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Now that is just common sense.
A woodfire will burn plenty hot enough to melt aluminum. You could set up a big fire pit with a nice wood blaze going, and setup a steel or iron grate on top of it with a couple aluminum cans in a iron pot. I don''t really have any recommendations for forging molten aluminum, but I can say that I highly UNrecommend that you try to do this. The third degree burns you could get out of this will most certainly not be pleasant.

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