
Once and For All. Software. //edit: One last question.

Started by May 20, 2004 11:17 PM
43 comments, last by Avatar God 20 years, 8 months ago
I have Reason 2.5. It's great. But it's not great for melody. What is a suggested program (professional) to actually write music? Melody, harmony, background, everything. And, in addition to that, what types of soundbanks (professional) are available for it? If I've missed out on anything, let me know. _GEo. avatarsgod site [edited by - Avatar God on May 29, 2004 12:49:59 AM]
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Dude, you've GOT to be kidding me.. I use REason2.5 and have absolutely no problem with melody and harmoney:

How can you even make a claim like that?!

Real music comes from the heart, it really doesn't matter what program you use. All that matters is that it allows you to express yourself how you want. And allowing midi keyboard input is one of the best features you can have.

[edited by - dreq on May 21, 2004 8:10:39 AM]
"Mommy, where do microprocessors come from?"
I don''t think the original poster was trying to bash reason, I think he maybe just works differently than you do.

While Reason can be an excellent way to do things for some, it is by no means the only program available, and I personally have no trouble believing that someone might find a different program works more intuitively with their creative process. Personally, I recognize that reason is an excellent program, but I absolutely detest using it, I just find that other programs work more effectively with the way I like to do things.

Cubase is my fav. You get MIDI sequencing, including notation---if you want to use it---included. If you get Halion to go with it, you have the ability to load a HUGE range of sound libraries, since Halion plays a ton of different formats. I''ve used Cubase SX to produce a variety of personal and professional music, and I still love it.
Ah, I see what I forgot.

I don''t have a MIDI keyboard, and won''t be buying one in the near meantime.

Now what can I use?
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Cubase. There''s a lot of letters on that site.

Cubase SL
Cubase SX
Cubase VST
Cubasis InWired
Cubasis VST


avatarsgod site
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
reason can do it all. what you are lacking, as someone has already mentioned is a midi keyboard. what you can do to substitute for this is get a ''virtual midi keyboard'' which basically allows you to use the pc-keyboard as a midi-keyboard.

one i know of off the top of the dome is ''bome''s midi keyboard''. these virtual keyboard usually require you to also download some loop back midi simulation program. or you could just go with something like fruity loops which ships with the virtual keyboard built in.

you will always find it harder to create a melody without a midi keyboard. though i have done it before, i wouldn''t go back, and i dont recommend it.

and again, reason beats all.
have a nice.
That''s cool. Didn''t know they had virtual keyboards!

But yeah, I think I''ll go back on my last post a little. I FOUND my old keyboard! If I can get the damn thing to work with XP Pro, then I''m all set! I can''t believe I lost a keyboard, though. For three years, too. It''s a pretty nice Yamaha, anyways. But yeah. I''m happy now.

Reason is looking good, though I''d like to give Cubase a shot. I can probably find it somewhere on campus to try it out.

avatarsgod site
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
ive never really used reason (and i dont mean this to any of you personally so dont go mad i want an explanation)

isnt it like a lamer program that makes he beats for you. you actually do nothing but turn on some modules????

i use cubase and about 5 sample cds that took me over 3 years to record. ive heard a lot of talk about reason but to me it sounds like a ejay sort of thing where you drag and drop samples then tweak a few faders and knobs and have a "cool" sound.

id like to think i apply music theory and effort into the work i do, that way i can call it my own and not the developement of some sequencer.

If ive got this totally wrong im vey sorry but i produced a song not too long ago on a really low spec system and then a righht joker came along (a person i know) with a song. we played the two songs and the outcome was his sounded better than mine to the peiople listening.

he produced it in that ejay thing by dragging and dropping samples where as mine is mixing desk / cubase / mastering software of soundforge and cool edit ALL LIVE, and my personally programmed midi. i couldnt believe it. As a musician with a degree and playing music for the best part of 15 years i was furious. ask him about synthesis - bland, aqsk him about any mstering or mixing technique - nothing. "how did you create your mix i asked" i dragged this and that and i thought it sounded cool........ AHHHHHHHHH SCREW YOU

ahhh i feel really good now to have that off my chest.

yeah reason, what is it all about?
visit my site for all your formula 1 and music creation needs.
Reason certainly does make some things easier in the manner of making beats. But it certainly seems as if you can do a whole lot more with it if you like.

Will you believe I''ve had Cubase in front of me for the entire years without realizing it? Yeah. Nice.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.

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