
Fair warning vs. "THIS LEVEL SUCKS!"

Started by August 11, 2000 02:53 PM
1 comment, last by Wavinator 24 years, 4 months ago
Okay, say you have a level that is generated and populated randomly. Enemies, treasure, etc. are all logically placed, with better stuff harder to reach. But you as a designer don''t know exactly where every enemy is going to be, or how much treasure will be where. If this is the case, and players can choose or ignore levels as they want, how do you give them fair warning about a level without giving too much away? I don''t think you want to say, "Level 6 has 6000 gold and 55 monsters. Enter?" But how do you make players fully responsible for what they''re getting in to? -------------------- Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Maybe have NPC towns people who can give you rumors about certain areas. Say you have some woods that full of bad guys, but great riches -> "Those woods are full of monsters, but I hear that there is great treasure there." Or if there is a cave with some special items, but a few bad guys -> "I know of a cave that contains a long dead wizard''s wand, but I hear that some trolls make it their home."
some random thoughts:
instead of giving stats why not have 'diffulculty' levels, level rank of 1,2,3 exc... for how difficult it is. for each diff. adjust how many monsters and how much treasure there is (within a range).


disclamer: these are my opinions and thoughts; feel free to mangle (note i didn't say flame) them at will.

Edited by - thr33d on August 11, 2000 4:14:07 PM

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