
Being a Rogue AI character class

Started by April 25, 2004 01:10 AM
15 comments, last by Wavinator 20 years, 9 months ago
So your thinking a bit Ghost in the Shell or am I wrong. This is a great idea, putting consiousness into an object, and you talked about size.

Maybe you could make it that when you put yourself in a tiny wristwatch your only at 10% capacity.
So your power and influence wont be as big as you put your self in a big network system where your capacity would be 100% meaning you can do bigger and better things hacking wise then when your in a tiny wrist watch,
what would only make you capable of hacking/manipulating tiny things ?


Say, if you go with the "kernel" approach, would other systems be dependent upon the kernel''s presence for their maintenance? I''m just thinking of a scenario in which the player is trapped in an NPC''s Walkman (hiding from the APG, or something), and has to convince the NPC to break into the communications array that''s infested with all of the AI''s subprograms and processor units. In the Walkman, it''s just a little voice, but if you get it to the computer center, it becomes a world power. This sort of thing could work as the AI or as the guy with the Walkman, really. The AI would be like a genie in a bottle; if you get it back to the seat of its power, it could wire a buttload of money to your account or clear your federal record in return. Of course, then you''ve got a rogue AI with a lot of power, which might be a bad thing.
I would assume that the AI would have to have a minimum requirment of hard ware in order to run its self. I.e. An AI moves itself from a mainframe into a walkman, the AI would have the intelegence/processing power of a walkman (not much) and would have to "sacrafice" or back up some of its tools/memorys on the mainfram (and hope they are not found). And even if it is "released" from the walk man to another computer it would have to re-build it''s self from scratch. Or it could possibly re-build it''s self to a point where it can migrate back to the original mainframe and re-intigrate itself with it''s old programming.

An alternate would be that someone/something at some point created quantum computers in hyperspace, the origin of the psibiots (sp) or another variant. At first the computers could only be accessed through specific hyper-space portals connected to a computer system. When they achieved AI status and worked on the problem long enough, they found that they could directly manipulate a fininte number of eletrons in this universe independent of the hyper-space portals. You would probably want to add some function that it is very hard to establish a connection from hyper-space to physical univers but maintaining the connection would be easy so you don''t just have AI''s randomly infecting systems and have to actually move around. So now they would be free of any hardware specific requirments as far as existing goes but they would still be limited physically to what they could do. i.e. if it is trapped in a walk man, it could play music and if someone pulled the batteries AI would loose that connection and have to establish anotherone some where.
KarsQ: What do you get if you cross a tsetse fly with a mountain climber?A: Nothing. You can't cross a vector with a scalar.
I am sorry, I actually didnt read the thread just yet, but I had this brilliant image of the hotel AI in Altered Carbon (anyone read that book ?)
Basically, this ultra modern hotel got abandoned by its owner, but the AI that ran it kept on going, and inhabit the whole place. Instead of being a "haunted house" kinda place, it''s actually rahter splendid, catering to its hosts every whim, because "it was designed to be inhabited, so it does its best to attract clientele".
Wouldnt be very exciting to play, but it made a damn good NPC, I thought.

Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Original post by Jamaludin
So your thinking a bit Ghost in the Shell or am I wrong. This is a great idea, putting consiousness into an object, and you talked about size.

Yes, I was thinking that human players can, in game, become Rogue AI by downloading if they have implants, and that AI can hack into humans if those humans have implants (which almost everybody does-- storywise, most humans have certain basic implants encoded into their DNA, created by nanites that are passed down from parents to children)


Maybe you could make it that when you put yourself in a tiny wristwatch your only at 10% capacity.
So your power and influence wont be as big as you put your self in a big network system where your capacity would be 100% meaning you can do bigger and better things hacking wise then when your in a tiny wrist watch,
what would only make you capable of hacking/manipulating tiny things ?

Hacking abilities are going to depend on processing power. So, sure, if the watch is a super fancy holoprojector/virtual assistant then you can get into it, and yes you''ll be reduced to its capacity. But you can only get into objects that have a minimum amount of brainpower. A toaster, for example, is just too stupid for you to even survive inside.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Original post by Iron Chef Carnage
Say, if you go with the "kernel" approach, would other systems be dependent upon the kernel''s presence for their maintenance? I''m just thinking of a scenario in which the player is trapped in an NPC''s Walkman (hiding from the APG, or something), and has to convince the NPC to break into the communications array that''s infested with all of the AI''s subprograms and processor units.

Yes, I thought of this scenario, but the walkman would have to be more personal computer that can play music (to have the processor power and functionality). But, yes, the player could be like the genie in the bottle.

Since I have that vow system I mentioned awhile back, the vow / promise could be made to NPCs in exchange for certain services. Or the player could bully the NPC, causing someone they love harm or damage their credit or legal rating.

These would all be pre-scripted options that are mapped to the NPC''s personality type, of course. But the options would relate to what you hack into. So if you hack into a bank, you get the credit option, the justice hall, the legal option; maybe if you hack into a building or freeway system, you can cause an accident.

These would have to work on the order of "do you want to set a trap for character X here?" You couldn''t actually do it in real time or that would demand instantiation and prescripted behavior of lots of NPCs. I''m more of a fan of going with options, costs, tradeoffs, and popup windows for something like this.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Original post by Kars
An alternate would be that someone/something at some point created quantum computers in hyperspace, the origin of the psibiots (sp) or another variant. At first the computers could only be accessed through specific hyper-space portals connected to a computer system. When they achieved AI status and worked on the problem long enough, they found that they could directly manipulate a fininte number of eletrons in this universe independent of the hyper-space portals.

Heeeeeeeyyyyy... this might be worth looking into. It''s a post apocalyptic environment, and AI must be grown, they can''t be just made. So the AI could exist in some sort of "meta" space in all reality.

But I may not have to go down that route, as tempting as it is to link psybionts with AI. I''m with you, the processor power limits what the AI can do. AND the AI needs minimum processor power just to stay self-aware. Downloading into the walkman would be suicide, so players will ony be able to download into complex computers.

Of course, it''s the future, so a complex computer could be the size of a wristwatch, no problem.


So now they would be free of any hardware specific requirments as far as existing goes but they would still be limited physically to what they could do. i.e. if it is trapped in a walk man, it could play music and if someone pulled the batteries AI would loose that connection and have to establish anotherone some where.

I actually AM going to think about his one carefully because the design again presents the possibility of getting trapped. If you''re in some guy''s PDA and he wont do what you say, and keeps you isolated, it''s the same as being in a brig. That''s bad, unless you can pass time quickly. But even if you can, I''m not sure how you escape.

I like the idea of there being an advanced, invisible galactic computer network that a Rogue AI might be able to tap into in a jam. Maybe it costs them something severe, like half their Context, but they can always escape by tapping into this FTL node if things get too bad.

I know that more than death players fear stat loss, so this could be the escape pod equivalent for AI players. Humans lose their ship, AI loses a part of itself.

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...

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