

Started by April 24, 2004 11:18 PM
4 comments, last by CProgrammer 20 years, 5 months ago
Basically I have a Burner/Dvd player cdrom drive. Anybody know what I have to do to get this recognised by Gentoo. Is n entry in /etc/fstab enough? If so what should I enter?
What''s not recognized as it is? If it''s in fstab (or even not, to an extent), it should work fine. Programs that burn go straight to the device and I think most DVD players do the same. I don''t think SCSI emulation is required for IDE CD burners anymore, so unless you have problems with the burner not being seen, don''t worry about that.

Basically you just need the software. I also reccomend you check out the Gentoo forums... They''re awesome. Be sure to scroll down towards the bottom (just about the language-specific forums) to the one that''s about Tips and Tricks or something like that (I''m too lazy to actually look to see what it''s called), as those have some nice HOWTOs/tutorials.
Null and Void: There is no entry in fstab anyway I created fstab manually.
What would the right entry look like here?

Strife: Yeah i''ll check that out.
quote: Original post by CProgrammer
There is no entry in fstab anyway I created fstab manually. What would the right entry look like here?

The fstab file is just for mounting, so just like any other CDROM drive, something like: "device mountpoint iso9660 defaults,ro,noauto,user 0 0" (remove user if you don''t want users able to mount and then unmount the device).

Null and Void: Ah thanks. So I assume its then just /mnt/cdrom1 and /dev/cdrom1


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