Original post by Anonymous Poster
Well in all the D&D games the GM or DM did not force me to do anything its the players choice it is not a story yes the DM can force you into something if he wants to but hes really not supposed to he is there to make it a fun experience controlling all the world for you to interact. A good GM DM has many towns and npcs preprared and is ready for anything and off the top of his head reactions.
But that is what game/level designers do. They create towns, enemies, determine when and where you will have difficult battles, etc.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Now if I was forced to do the same thing everytime as In Diablo then i would quit halfway through because I know whats going to happen.
The only thing static about Diablo''s experience is that there is an Act system and the boss "nodes" are all in a sequential order. Every time you load the game, the entire level design is changed. It''s like a new dungeons setup every time you play. The more I look at Diablo, the more I see D&D - even though I have never played D&D myself
Original post by Anonymous Poster
And also im not sure but Diablo didnt really offer many character choices and customization every BARB Zon, Mage, Sorc, Assassin is the same because you have to make that char that way inorder for it to be good.
I''m mainly talking about Diablo 2, because it''s been so long since I played the first Diablo. I believe the first one had 3 choices - warrior, amazon, mage. Or something to that effect. I believe D2 has 5, or 7 with the expansion.
As far as each one being the same, that''s not true. The skill tree (which is great, btw) makes it so that everyone can be entirely unique. There are some skills that everyone must have (low level), but the higher up you get, the more unique you get.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
A good rpg would not force you to be class you do not want to be.
Doesn''t D&D force you to be a class? In D2, you are a "human", but you are still one of many classes.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Also would not make you kill Diablo when all you really wanna do is kill the anoying villagers who tell you the same things over and over and over, and make you pay for things that you will need on your quest to save them.
That is not the fault of the game, but of the game as a medium. There is no one sitting there to dynamically react to your actions. There has to be a set of rules so that they can make sure that you are able to succeed. I assume that a DM would change the way the game is going if he had a bunch of people who didn''t know what they were doing or they slaughtered every townfolk.
To implement that in D2 would have been a nightmare.
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